A Limp?

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If one was to ever think there was a busier day than this, then they would be wrong. Every lady and her desperate mother required at least 2 carriages (they didn't, just wanted to show off their wealth) and the streets would be packed.

In a big room, Queen Charlotte sat upon an elaborate throne, most likely reading the latest Whistledown. Rows of families stood beside the intricate design of the carpet running down the length of the room.

Through the doors before them, stood hundreds of young debutantes hoping to be called the seasons diamond, which really was an advantage to the marriage mart indeed.

Alice was stood in a corner of a room, getting pins in her hair and final touches to her makeup dabbed on her face. She huffed one final time then was forced to practice how she would enter. Great.

She took a step, then a few more, and then curtsied before her mother. Perfection. Utter and complete beauty.

The usual glimmer in Alice's hazel eyes seemed to have been plucked away. A sense of fear washed over her face, but nobody would be able to tell.

So far they had been waiting for around an hour, they knew it would be soon though because there was a sudden lack of young women waiting around. She heard a few cheers, curious, she listened intently to what had caused the sudden eruption. 

"Miss Eloise Bridgerton, and Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton"

Oh. No wonder, they were perfect, gorgeous chestnut coloured hair, deep brown eyes and perfect faces. Alice would give anything to look like them.

"Miss Alice Clove and Mrs Clove,"

"Come on dearest! It is finally time."

Those words made Alice instantly prepare. But it also seemed to make something else begin as well.

As the doors opened, a whole crowd of people craned their heads to see the new girl, and Alice thought they would be pitying her because of her sister's past fates.

Alice walked as elegantly as she could, but she could tell something was wrong.

People were looking at her funny.

She thought as hard as she could.

The horse ride.
She fell and must of sprained an ankle.
How did she not notice?
Maybe the anxiety of the day.
She must look like a fool.
That stupid person cracked a twig and scared her lifeless.
She just hoped it wasn't too noticeable.

She found herself in front the queen, and began to lower herself. But she put pressure on the bad ankle.
As she finally reached her curtsy, her ankle gave way..

She found herself in a meeting with the floor.

Her face instantly became a tomato. Standing up, she ran up and out. Straight out. Tears stung her cheeks, she knew her season would be worse than her sisters, there was no denying that.

She ran until she found the queens beautiful flower gardens, her eyes were beginning to become faucets, her vision was fuzzy and her face was stained with tears mixing with her blush.

Her vision was so fuzzy that she didn't see the man stood in the middle of path that she was running down.

Well she did see him, after she knocked him over.

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