Empty Room.

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As the sun arose the next morning,
Alice found herself without having slept.

Her mind had been racing all night, she was anxious for what people would think of her utterly miserable entrance to society. And not to forget, she had no chance at an easy time with any of the bridgertons, not after she had knocked over Benedict.

If only she had looked where she was going.

She was quite oblivious to how the marriage market was in previous seasons, though she had never cared to much then. Now she knew though that finding a husband is a big part of her future. And now she would have to marry someone who only desires and heir, especially after her embarrassing entrance.

She heard footsteps approaching her door, so she quickly turned on her side and pretended to sleep. Today would be quite boring. It's normally a day where a young debutantes drawing room was full of callers and gifts. She was not expecting any of the sort, she wasn't incredibly special like some of the other girls on display this season.

Her lady's maid walked in and she faked waking up. She knew Maya wouldn't believe it, Maya had worked with her entire family for as long as she could remember, and she would probably have learnt the fake waking up act.

"How long have you been awake, dear?" She seemed very concerned for the young girl.

"All night. Could not sleep." She mumbled and smiled as she sighed softly . "Many things to think of"

"Of course miss, hopefully you will be more successful with suitors than your sisters were in their seasons!" She smiled warmly.

Alice nodded. She hoped her words had a sense of truth to them, but it wasn't quite a believable dream.

She had been sat in her drawing room since mid morning, it was now time for her evening meal. And not one person had called on her. Her heart was breaking.


Alice practically jumped up at the sound of her front door being pounded upon. She rushed past some of the servants to the door and opened it excitedly, maybe someone did come after all!

"Latest Lady Whistledown, Ma'am!"

She gave a big sigh as she thanked the young pauper.
As she wandered back to the couch she was sat on just before, she decided to read it.

8th of April, 1814

Dearest Gentle Reader,
As the season begins, this writer is getting back into her rhythm...

She was just skimming through the page when her heart plummeted to her feet.

As you all know, many young debutantes were introduced to the scary world known as the marriage market, and I do not believe there was a more painful entrance to watch than the one of Miss Alice Clove. Aswell as her limp, her body seemed to have given way as she was curtsying, the poor girl was distraught.
Many other young girls had brilliant entrances to...

Alice suddenly crumpled up the paper and launched it across the room.
Whoever that woman was, she would hunt her down until the day she can eventually execute her. As long as nobody saw her almost kill Benedict outside, she was okay.


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