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{This is going to be a long chapter, in comparison to my other chapters}

I walk through the halls of Hogwart's, unsure of what to do. I should see Dumbledore or Snape, or maybe Hagrid would know what to do.

As I walk through the halls, reminiscing of my years studying here, I run into Dumbledore.

"Hello there, what are you doing here?" He asks.

"Looking for you or Snape, actually. I might need your help." I tell him, not wanting to tell more people about my situation.

"Well then. I think Snape is already in my office, so let's meet him there, shall we?" He gestures for me to follow him.

We approach a wall, when Dumbledore shouts, "Lemon drop." A staircase transfigures from where there was none.

We arrive in his office, and he was right, Snape is already here, "Miss Fontaine, pleasure to see you again."

"Thanks, you too." I tell him.

"Please, sit." Dumbledore tells me, gesturing to a seat at his desk. "What do you need help with?"

"Probably Lucius, profesor." Snape tells him.

"Not just Lucius, maybe Narcissa, but I'm not here because of them." I try to explain.

Dumbledore and Snape exchange puzzled looks, before Snape asks, "Why are you here then?"

"Well, I don't know how else to say this, other than just saying it, um.....but I'm pregnant." I pause to see their reaction, but before they can respond I say, "It's Lucius', and I don't want to keep it. I don't want to keep anything that has to do with him." I feel tear starting to swell, so I clench my stomach to distract me.

Snape seeing how upset I am, sits next to me, "You don't have to have it, there's a potion to help....," he clears his throat before continuing, "take care of it."

"Snape, if we're thinking of the same potion, it could be very dangerous for her." Dumbledore turns to me, "It could kill you, Sam."

"That's fine. I don't think I could live without him anyway." I say, not mentioning who I can't live without, they already know who I'm talking about. Lucius.

"Well if this is what you want, we can't change your mind." Dumbledore says, "You can stay with Hagrid, until you feel better afterwards."

"Thank you, profesor." I whisper, barely audible.

"We should inform Hagrid. Until the potion is ready, do you have anywhere to stay?" Snape asks.

"No, the Malfoy's kicked me out." I inform them.

"I have a spare bed in my office, she can stay in." Snape tells Dumbledore.

"Well if it's alright with you, Sam can sleep there until she stays with Hagrid."

I didn't like how they were talking about me, as if I weren't there. I'm can't complain to much, I'm just glad I help with this. I tugged on Snape's robe to get his attention and whispered, "Can we go to your office please?"

He whispers back, "Of course."

I follow him to his office, and watch him set up a bed hidden in corner. "People rarely visit, but if they do, they wouldn't see you."

"Thank you Snape. You've been nice to me. More than I deserve." I tell him.

"Don't worry about it. The potion will only take a day or two to make." He says, "I'll be teaching tomorrow, but will visit when I'm done."

Lucius Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now