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Our previous activities made our bed have a dent in it, I’d fix it myself, but I don’t know how to.
So I went to our house keeper, Helga.
“Helga…I have a question for you…”
“Yes, Mrs. Moreau?”
“How do I…fix a dent in my bed?”
“I’m sorry?”
“There’s a dent…and I don’t know how to fix it.”
“Like…Like a hole..?”
“More like a ditch..”
“Oh..” Helga put her laundry basket down, and followed me to our bedroom. “Oh heavens!”
“I know..”
“How did this happen, madam?”
“Uh..Me and…Mr. Moreau were umm..Embracing each other…and I guess he got a little too into it…”
Helga’s face was more disturbed than mine, she excused herself, and vowed to fix my bed by the time my husband got home from work.
That’s her way of saying: “that’s some weird shit, I’m out.”
The whole interaction left me feeling quite drowsy, but my bed was dented, and I’m still haunted from last night, so I chose to sleep in our dining room, full of gold, silk, and achievements.
I woke up at 6pm, the house was quiet, I assumed Helga went home for the night.
It was pitch black, but I could still see the pathway to our bedroom.
I heard rustling, like agressive rustling, so I went to see what was happening.
“Jacques! What are you doing?” I shouted, he jumped at the sound of my voice and rushed to the door frame where I was standing.
“Look…I’m going to the mountains…For a few days…I’ll be back on Sunday.”
“Sunday’s the day of your ball! You’re going to leave me all alone?”
“I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be sorry…Be ashamed. What are you doing that’s so important that you have to leave me?” I yelled. He put his head down, and hesitated.
“I have a…uhh..a photoshoot. With playboy. I was bored, and they contacted me..So I signed up for it. See ya.” Jacques pushed past me and ran out the door. Playboy…?
He’s ditching me for a modeling gig.

“Mrs. Moreau…Are you alright? You haven’t touched your coffee.” Helga asked at the end of the table. I hesitated before answering.
“...Does my husband have anything on schedule for this weekend?...Like a..photoshoot, perhaps?”
“Ha! Photoshoot? Mr. Moreau HATES taking photos…” Helga laughed, she stopped laughing when she saw the look on my face.
“Is everything alright?”
“...I need to go to the mountains…Like…In the next hour or so.”
“I just…I just want to feel the breeze of nature, ya know?” Helga nodded, and set up a ride. To the mountains. Right after we finish breakfast.
Oh boy.
Once that time came, we got in the car, and drove for 2 hours..To the hotel my husband bought when we were engaged. He wanted me to have my first taste in business.
I was greeted by one of the staff, Gary..
“Mrs. Moreau! It’s good to see you!” We exchanged hugs, and he gave me the keys to my husband’s suite. “He’s in the presidential suite….”
For a “photoshoot”?
“Thank you, Gary..” I smiled, I quickly walked to the elevator, and pushed the “P” button.
Our elevator music isn’t elevator music, it’s EDM..Jacques’s favorite genre.
I got to his suite, the door was cracked open, begging me to come inside.
I cracked the door even more, it smelled like latex, and lotion. Not a good sign, I know. I heard a low groan from the shower, followed by a loud thump.
It sounded like he fell…I wanted to leave, but it was too late, I heard the door open..

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