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Jacques hasn't spoken to me since I caught him in his presidential suite.
Red handed. He walked out the shower and saw me, he was naked, and holding a bottle of lotion. I figured he was...bored. So I left him alone..
I heard the shower get turned off, and I immediately knew it wasn't Jacques, he was paralyzed in fear and embarrassment. So it's true...There's a mistress...Fun.
I decided to stay at the hotel because I wanted him to explain himself, maybe if I asked the right amount of questions, he'd crack.

Jacques quietly sat down at the other side of the cafe, that's when Helga sat beside me. "Mrs. Moreau! You must not run away like that again! I thought something happened to you!"
"I'm sorry, Helga..." I said, trying my best to stay calm.
"Is everything okay? You sound sad."Helga asked calmly.
"I'm fine, it's just uh...Nothing. Nothing. Don't worry about it." Helga knew I was lying, but she changed the topic once she noticed Jacques.
"Is that...Mr. Moreau? I thought he was at a photoshoot...Like you said..."
"So did I..."


I am now 7 weeks pregnant, my belly has started to show, and due to so many questions, I decided to tell my staff that I was pregnant. I ordered them not to tell my husband, or else they'd be fired. This is something I should tell him myself, since it's his baby...and he got ME pregnant. I'm afraid because I know him, he hates kids, he hates crying, and he definitely hates the thought of me gaining weight.
He finally came home today, Sunday, like he promised. I came home on Saturday, it got boring, so I told Helga that I wanted to leave.

"Amelie." Jacques sighed. He stood at the foot of the bed like he did something bad, I mean..he did.
"Oh! Hello darling! How was your trip?"
"It was fine." Jacques asked, he hasn't asked that  question since..ever.
"I'm okay...Are you excited about your ball?"
"Oh, yes. I'm very excited.
Our small talk was shallow.
We felt like strangers for the next few hours, I was starting to think that one of our staff told him that I was pregnant.
30 minutes until the ball starts, Jacques was wearing a red suit, so I decided to match him and wear a sparkly red dress. He usually likes when I wear the color red, but this time he just nodded at me and walked away. I'm starting to fear that his mistress is his new wife...I mean, he rarely even looks at me, now.
"Jacques!" A familiar voice called from behind us. It was his frenemy, Andre Pierre, they've been rivals for the past 6 years, but they act like friends in public.
"Great to see you, my good friend!"
"And hello pretty lady..." Andre winked at me, and I awkwardly waved back, in disgust...
"What a surprise..."
"What? That I showed up?"
"No, that you showed up with the same woman instead of some lousy hooker!"
Andre's face went from prideful to angry, he started to glare at Jacques...
"This is my girlfriend, Adria...Adria, this is Jacques, and his lovely wife Amelie..." Once he stopped being angry, we shook hands and watched them walk away. Jacques mumbled something under his breath about Andre being a bastard before abandoning me once again.

There I stood, alone, in the middle of a crowded ballroom, I looked to my left to see a group of people crowding around Jacques's office. I pushed past them, and I hear yelling. Something like.
"GOD, YOU'RE SUCH A-" We heard a slam, I pushed my ear against the door, and what I heard shocked me.

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