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Everyone has been talking about the incident between Jacques and his mystery woman. I've been offered, condolences, flowers, even some have asked me out on a date. I haven't thought about getting a divorce, but think about it, I get all the money, all the cash, the house, our child. Maybe I should keep my news until it's unavoidable, then he'd willingly give me everything. I must say, he looks awfully happy for someone who just got exposed at his own ball....

"Jacques...I would like to talk to you..." I said in my softest voice.
"Yes, Amelie? Is everything-"
"What were you doing in your office? Last night."
"What are you talking about, my love?" Jacques laughed, making me think I'm crazy.
"I know you're-....We all..-" I fall to the ground, and Jacques automatically helped me. I felt myself slowly lose consciousness, all I could think about was our baby..and those...noises...


"I'm sorry Mrs. Moreau..but..your child is gone...Something happened, and it suddenly passed away..."The doctor hung her head, and hid behind her clipboard.
"You're pregnant?" Jacques snapped.

"I was..." I replied, the doctor took it as a sign to leave, I'm glad she did, she wouldn't have to hear Jacques yelling.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? I COULD'VE HELPED YOU!" Jacques finally yelled.

"I DIDN'T TELL YOU BECAUSE I CAUGHT YOU FUCKING SOME OTHER BITCH-" I cut myself off, remembering that I'm in the hospital, I can't yell such horrible words.  Jacques was silent, he didn't speak for about 4 minutes...
"What's this nonsense you speak of....I don't cheat. That's ridiculous. It's probably the pregnancy horomones you failed to tell me about." There's no way Jacques just gaslighted me. "You're lucky I'm choosing to stay with you after you accused me of such lies."
"We heard the party...Me and the other guests heard you sleeping with someone, I know what I heard-"
"You sound crazy, Amelie. As soon as we get home, we are calling a doctor." Jacques hissed...Calling a doctor...He thinks I sound...crazy...? Maybe I am crazy...Was I imagining it?

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