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“Mrs. Moreau is having delusions, hallucinations, and…what else?”
“Endless paranoia…” My husband finished, I  remain stone faced because I don’t know what’s real anymore.
“And she just went through a miscarriage?” Dr. Harlon asked.
“Yes…She did this…weird thing where she didn’t tell me until..8-12 weeks…” Jacques tried his best to sound like a worried husband, Dr. Harlon and his nurse were believing it, eating it all up, like some damn candy.
“That’s when she…-”
“Fainted…Ooohh..So Mr. Jacques, I’m going to have to ask you to leave now, I need to interview Mrs. Amelie if you don’t mind…” Dr Harlon gripped his clipboard, Jacques hesitated, but he got up and walked away. “So, Amelie…You’ve been having hallucinations, yes?”
“I caught my husband cheating, and he’s lying about it, making me look like a psychopath..”
“Now, Mr. Jacques is just trying to help you, I’m sure he’d never-”
“YOU DON’T KNOW MY HUSBAND!” I shouted. Jacques immediately ran back into the room, holding me back.
“I’m so sorry Dr. Harlon…She’s been out of her mind recently…”
“It’s- It’s alright…This kind of agression isn’t safe nor healthy…I suggest a psychiatric center, they take lovely care of their patients…”
“How do you know this?” Jacques asked, gripping me tighter, and holding me to the side.
“I know…Because my wife went there aswell…Before she-” Dr. Harlon stopped. He started tearing up, and his voice was shaking while he was talking, “Before she commited suicide…Last year..”
“I’m so sorry, doc…”
“Thank you, but it’s fine…Her dying wish was that I become a psychiatrist, so I could help others in need…Which is what I’ll be doing with Mrs. Amelie, here..” Dr. Harlon smiled at me, I stopped thrashing so Jacques finally let me go…

I was silent the entire car ride to this.. “Hospital”
I don’t need help, what I need is vodka. Vodka, and a good divorce lawyer.
“I hope you know that this is for the best sweetie…”Jacques hugged me, and rested his head on my shoulder. I aggresively shoved it to the side, he looked hurt, but still tried to talk to me. “Aw, honey..I-”
“I’d rather we divorce…Go be with your mistress. If she’s that awesome that you’d have to trick me and Dr. Harlon into thinking that I’m crazy, then just go.” My words hurt him even more, he clutched his chest and stopped talking to me. He knows I know, I know he does.

That night, I couldn’t sleep. All I heard was endless…Groaning…
“Oh…Oh, Jacques…Yeah..”
It was torture…Complete…torture…
I finally got tired at 2:30 in the morning so I faced away from the door, and stared at the shadow my lamp made in the dark..
I blinked, two shadowy figures appeared in these shadows, they looked like they were yelling at each other. One slapped the other, the other slowly grabbed their face and stared.. Next thing I know they were going at it, the slapped shadow opened their legs as the one that slapped them shoved their head in their crotch.
“Oh…Jacques…-” I jumped up, I looked at the wall, the shadows were gone, like nothing happened.
“Hello…?” I whispered. No one answered, so I got up to open the door to my room, I wanted to see if anyone was awake. I stood in the hallway, looked left, then right, and then I walked forward. Some strange force knocked me to the ground, I looked up to see who it was, and I immediately had a heart attack. “Jacob.”


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