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Jacob’s laugh makes this all worth it, I’ve always thought about him, even on my first date with Jacques. Once I finished updating him on what happened, he was furious, I didn’t understand why, so I asked. I led him to my room so we could have more privacy.
“Jacques…Right? That’s what you said, right?” Jacob’s hand started to shake in anger- or perhaps anticipation.
“Yes- That’s him. Why?” I asked,  Jacob tightened his hand into a fist, he was feeling anger after all.
“In 2016, you went to the superbowl, you got your own little box, Jacques there, and so was I.” Jacob paused, he watched me nod my head then continued. “As the bottle boy- your…bottle boy. When Jacques went to the bathroom later that night, he saw me wiping water from my uniform. That’s when one thing lead to another and-”
“You…slept…together.” I finished, Jacob nodded, I closed my legs so I won’t be touching his.
“I didn’t know you guys were serious, if I did, I wouldn’t have-” Jacob’s voice trailed off, I stood up and walked around to blow off some steam.
“You’re telling me that my husband’s…gay?- Not that I have a problem with it…but I wish he would’ve told me.” I sighed.
Jacob nodded his head and looked down. “All I know is that he’s fully gay, as in homosexual…I’m..Bisexual. Even then, I prefer women…”
“Then…If you saw me, and we were cool back then…Why didn’t you say hi? I would’ve loved to see you-” I sat back down, next to Jacob, on the other side of where I originally was.

“I was still mad at you.” Jacob confessed. “Mad that..You had everything..”
“Everything?!” I covered my mouth in embarrassment, I didn’t mean to yell.“Last time I checked, my husband is sleeping with someone else, I got pregnant with his stupid baby and lost it, he sent me to this damn looney bin when I caught him, AND…I found out that my first love was jealous of me…And he knowingly slept with my husband…” My voice started to crack,  Jacob took that as a sign to leave.
“I think it’s best for me to leave.” Jacob mumbled.
I stopped him by putting my hand on his lower back. “If you’d let me, I’d love to ask for your help…Taking him down ... and all.” When I finished my sentence, Jacob smiled at me, that’s when he walked forward and disappeared. He flew away like he was this giant pile of sand.


I woke up in a giant pool of sweat.
Coincidentally, my bed felt like it had sand in it.
I wanted to talk to Jacob to see if he was in on my plan to ruin Jacques’ career.

“Mrs. Moreau. Please exit the building.” The scary nurse stood at my doorway and repeated herself. “Mrs. Moreau-”

“Yeah, yeah. Fine.” I growled. When walking to the staircase, I thought I saw Jacob walking down the hallway, then the stairs, then I saw his body hanging from the ceiling. “Why do I have to leave? Did someone-...” The scary nurse nodded, she showed some kind of pity like I knew the deceased.

But did I?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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