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"So what is it with you and Jeonghan? Do you like him?"

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"So what is it with you and Jeonghan? Do you like him?"

I swear to god, if one more person asks me about him I'm going to lose my mind

I groaned irritably, grasping my hair tightly in my hands as if I had the intention of pulling it all out.

"No, Juyoung, I don't like him. I have nothing to like about him because I only met him this fucking morning."

Juyoung's eyes widened surprisedly at my response, but soon returned to his nonchalant hanging of the laundry. He was in a rush to get done so that he would be ready for when Yeonjun came over.

I didn't even bother to get excited over visits like this anymore, as they always seemed to mind their business too much for Yeonjun to even particularly notice me. He'd give me a smile and wink when he entered, but that would be it until I see him again in the morning on our way to school.

"What do you hate so much about him that's making you so snappy?"

Juyoung questioned interrogatively, making me sigh. Sigh in the realisation that he hadn't really done anything to deserve my disliking.

Lots of guys stared at me, so it's not like he was doing anything out of the ordinary.

It was at that moment that I came to the conclusion that I only really had a bad feeling about him, and basically no reason behind it.

"He's creepy. I don't like the way he stares at me."

Juyoung snickered with a hint of triumph at the back of his throat. I glared at him.

"Whenever I tell you one of my friends had been staring at you, you laugh it off and tell me there's nothing to worry about."

I was about to retort back, but the words got caught in my mouth, only a small pout forming on my lips. I didn't have any more excuses to express myself in a way that didn't make me look presumptuous.

"It... It's just a bad feeling. I don't know what it is."

To my surprise, Juyoung nodded understandingly, facing back towards the towel he was hanging up on the clothing line. After a few seconds, I heard him sigh deeply.

"Well, you're going to hate me."

"More than I already do?"

I shot back habitually as I hung up the dress I planned to wear that Friday. It strangely took my brain a little while to realise that he had something more to say.

When I did, however, I looked to Juyoung in wait of his continuation.

"You know Goeun... Goeun's party on Friday?"

Of course I knew. I was one of Goeun's best friends. What I didn't know was why Juyoung's usual confident and cocky tone was suddenly meek and maybe even nervous.

Intrigued, I crossed my arms across my chest and shifted my weight to one leg, already ready to yell at Juyoung.

"What did you do?"

He shrugged his shoulders, trying to appear calm, but I recognised the rapid movements of his eyes to show that he was doing just that. Trying.

"But- if anything really... I'm just giving you a chance to get to know him better..."

Juyoung's voice grew softer, making it difficult for me to hear what he was saying. But I was ready to assume he had done something stupid.

"Did you invite him to Goeun's party?!"

He was quiet for a while, telling me everything I needed to know. Irritation built up inside me like a volcano that was about to erupt.

"Why would you do that, Juyoung?!"

I stomped my feet like a toddler throwing a tantrum, but I basically was. What I didn't expect was for Juyoung to continue talking.

"Now you're really going to hate me..."

My heart dropped.


I was interrupted by my mother's voice calling out from inside.

"Juyoung! Your friends are here!"


"Thanks for giving me a lift, by the way."

Jeonghan spoke as he walked in, having not noticed me yet. Yeonjun soon followed in after him, registering my presence almost immediately and flashing a friendly grin towards me.

"No problem."

Yeonjun replied with his eyes still on me. Jeonghan probably didn't notice because of how curiously he took in every single detail of the room around him. It was funny to look at, actually; his head upturned and turning at every second, his body having to move to grant his neck more space to rotate.

Eventually his eyes landed on me, and his pupils instantly grew to at least twice their size.

Boy, does he have expressions

"Why are you-"

Jeonghan asked confusedly, his finger pointed at me as he stared at Juyoung in search of an answer.

However, Yeonjun managed to see this situation as an opportunity.

"She's my girlfriend. Thought you knew."

He casually draped his arm over my shoulder, pulling my close to his side. Needless to say, I could feel my heartbeat in every single part of my body, and my face was probably red too.

When I looked up to Yeonjun though, I could see his eyes were trained on Jeonghan, too focused to see my flustered state. I was grateful for that.

Jeonghan chuckled nervously, looking between Yeonjun and I for a few seconds. Juyoung eventually stepped in, gently pushing the two of us apart.

"Not funny,"

He spoke to Yeonjun, a grin still pulling at his lips. He looked to Jeonghan.

"Hyewon can date when she's eighteen."

"You were born twenty minutes before me."

"Best twenty minutes of my life."

yeonjun is yeonjunningtell me what you thoughtt :3

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yeonjun is yeonjunning
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