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(a gif of jeonghan cuz some of u prolly don't know him)

Waking up is meant to be a relaxing experience, powered by whatever the day has planned for you, but sometimes you wake up in a completely alien environment that leaves you feeling anything but relaxed

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Waking up is meant to be a relaxing experience, powered by whatever the day has planned for you, but sometimes you wake up in a completely alien environment that leaves you feeling anything but relaxed.

These aren't my bedsheets..

This isn't my room..

And why does my head hurt so much?

I woke up with a horrible feeling in my head, my hair falling messily in front of my face as I sit up on a bed that feels nothing like mine. The usual feeling of rough polyester sheets beneath my palms was suddenly replaced with a much softer, silky fabric that I couldn't recognise.

My mind felt foggy as I looked tiredly around the room, the strange scent of the bedroom somehow bothering me more than the unrecognised interior.

I soon realised the seriousness of the situation, and I was pulled out of my tired daze. I groaned in pain when I moved my head a little too quickly as I got up, clutching it desperately with my palms.

All I really needed to do at that moment was get home as soon as possible, because I knew my parents would be fuming by now.

Then I noticed a familiar object on the bedside table, instantly sending a wave of relief over me. I grabbed my phone and opened it quickly, expecting to see tons of missed calls from my mom and Juyoung, but the notifications surprised me.

3 new messages
(Unknown Number)
Its Jeonghan
I told Juyoung to tell ur parents ur staying over at goeuns place
Msg me when u get this

I stared at the phone screen in shock for a few moments, hardly believing the luck I had. I wasn't in some random person's house, and my parents wouldn't find out how hungover I was.

I sat down on the bed with a deep sigh, opening my phone and messaging Jeonghan back.

Unknown Number

hey jeonghan
tysm idk what i wouldve done without u 🥹
i owe u for this okay

Its np 👍

He replied almost instantly, surprising me slightly, but making me smile nevertheless.

I was immensely grateful for this action and I wasn't going to forget about it any time soon. I unconsciously smiled to myself as I saved his name on my phone, and then a sudden question occurred to me.


hey jeonghan
did i do anything dumb last night?


what does that mean
jeonghan what does that mean🥲

It means u did nothing dumb last night

now i dont trust u

That sounds like a you problem

this isnt over


I giggled lightly at this short conversation, but my laughter instantly died down when another sharp pang of pain spiked in my head, reminding me how much I drank last night.

"I shouldn't have drank so much..."

I groaned to myself, regret flooding through me like a rainstorm.

I opened Juyoung's chat on my phone, one hand pressed painfully hard against my temple in a dire attempt to relieve the pain surging through it.


what happened last night

I put my phone away after sending the message, not too desperate for a response from him. I decided to make my way downstairs and see if Goeun had any aspirin.

What surprised me the second I left the room was just how big the place was. I had been at Goeun's house before, but I seemed to only be realising how vast her house actually was.

Staring up at the magnificent chandelier in the middle of the huge winding stairwell, I descended the stairs slowly, taking my time to allow my palm to enjoy every inch of the polished railing that descended with me. The house really did look bigger when it wasn't filled with bustling activity and dancing teens.

"Look who's awake."

I heard Goeun's voice before I saw her face, startling me and quickly bringing my attention away from the chandelier that had previously been my point of focus. Part of me was relieved to see her already awake in the kitchen, the larger part of me already fed up with her boring presence.

"Hey, Goeun."

I said weakly, suddenly noticing how raspy my morning voice was, especially with the unfortunate pairing with hangover dehydration. I cleared my throat, feeling slightly embarrassed. Luckily, Goeun didn't seem to notice.

"You sure drank a lot last night."

She said bleakly, not even looking up from the pot she was working at on the stove. Whatever she was cooking did not smell very appealing.

I nodded my head, kind of hoping she would tell me all the horribly embarrassing things I did last night so I can get it over and done with. However, her face remained uncaring and elsewhere as she stirred the pot in front of her.

"Thanks for letting me stay over."

I say after a minute of silence, making an effort to make my voice sound grateful and polite. Still not looking up at me, Goeun hummed while nodding her head slowly, and I wondered for a moment if she actually heard what I said.

When she didn't speak again for a few awkward moments, I decided to ask her outright the only reason I was putting myself in the same room as her.

"Uhh.. do you have Aspirin?"

For a moment, it looked like she didn't hear me, but then she finally looked up at me, her eyes now showing more irritation than blankness.


And just like that, she was back to her pot. I took this opportunity to do what I've been wanting to do the second I entered.

"Well then, I guess I'll go now..."

Goeun hummed again, almost convincing me she wasn't listening to a word I said, but I didn't care one bit in that moment. All that mattered to me was getting home and asking Juyoung what crazy shit I could have ended up doing last night.

Not wasting another moment, I grabbed my jacket from a random corner by the front door and left that house.

Not wasting another moment, I grabbed my jacket from a random corner by the front door and left that house

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lmk what you thoughtt :3

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