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Hyewon POV:

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Hyewon POV:

"You know what we should do? Get you a nice book to help you get over him. Novel men are a hundred times better than real life men."

I rolled my eyes amusedly from behind Jaemi's head, still smiling a little from her attempt to cheer me up.

She was seated in front of my bed in her pink satin pyjamas, a book open in front of her as I braided her long hair from the edge of my bed.

"What are you even reading?"

I wasn't particularly interested in the answer, but it was a natural question that always nagged at the back of my mind whenever I could see she was reading a different book.

"It's called 'Heartless'. The love interest is in the mafia."

I giggled when I saw her feet dance excitedly in front of her as she said that, as if it was the most attractive trait that people looked for in a man. I tied up one of the completed pigtails, moving on to the other half of the fiery orange waterfall that flowed out of Jaemi's head.

"Don't they commit crimes and whatever? How is that better than real life men? I don't get the obsession with the whole 'cold and mysterious' persona."

She turned to face me with a dead serious look on her face, seeming to judge me with every cell of her body. Of course, she was the only person I could be okay with looking at me like that.

"You don't like their personalities 'cold and mysterious', but you like their powers 'cold and mysterious', right? Is it because Beomgyu isn't Jack Frost that you think he's so bad?"

My eyes widened with my mouth, a scoff falling through my lips effortlessly as I gawked at her in disbelief.

"I.. wow- what kind of name is Beomgyu anyway?"

I didn't have a single problem with the name. I just couldn't let Jaemi be the last to speak.

She only grinned mischievously and turned her head back around.

"Better than a cartoon character, genius."

I gave a friendly tug on her hair, not really earning a reaction from her, unfortunately.

"But seriously, how are you feeling about Yeonjun at the moment?"

Her tone was now softer, as it tended to go when she was concerned. I smiled to myself as I continued to plait her hair, always feeling softened by Jaemi's worried mannerisms.

"Been avoiding him like the plague, but he's so fucking cute that I can't stop looking at him."

I pouted disappointedly, slumping my back slightly as I let out a sigh. Jaemi shook her head sympathetically and turned a page over in her book, and I momentarily wondered how she managed to focus on our conversation and the novel at the same time.

"You should just crush on ugly dudes, like normal high school girls do."

"It's not like I can control it. The heart wants what it wants."

She seemed to think for a few moments, or she was just staying silent so she could read in peace for the few seconds of silence the window in our conversation granted. By the time she turned her body and placed her one elbow on my knee, I had already finished her other braid.

"I read somewhere that the best way to get over someone is to focus on yourself for a while, so you realise that you need yourself more than any man."

Then, Jaemi's soft expression fell, replaced by a look of concern and seriousness. I could recognise this face of hers more easily than any other of hers, and I already knew what she would talk about next.

"Have you been eating properly lately?"

Her question turned a faucet of guilt inside me, seeming to soak my mind and heart in almost an instant. The guilt always rooted from the fact that in a situation like this, either the truth would disappoint the other person, or you'd have to lie.

I looked down at my lap, sighing shamefully before looking back up into Jaemi's specs-wielding pools of pure scrutiny. It was hard to stop yourself from feeling constantly analysed under her examining stare.

"Not really."

I answered Jaemi flat out, preparing myself to watch the disappointment pigment her eyes, but they remained concerned, only softening sympathetically when she heard my answer.

She eventually smiled softly at me and pulled herself off of the floor, leaving her book face-down against the floorboards as she seated herself beside me on the bed. I didn't follow her with my eyes, afraid that if I gave myself the chance to watch, I would watch her sympathy dissolve into abysmal dismay.

However, I felt her arm wrap comfortingly around my shoulder, squeezing me gently.

"I know you're trying your best. Don't be upset with yourself, because I'm proud of you."

I had always both loved and feared Jaemi, the same way one might feel about the beautiful danger of the ocean.

I love the way she makes me feel at ease, seemingly effortlessly, as if it's just the kind of energy she brings about her. As if her energetic texture was simply made to calm the soul.

I fear the power she seems to have over my switch of emotions, her seeming to be the only one abel to switch it so easily. It's like she reads minds, and I'm mostly glad that she's on my side.

I smiled gratefully and draped my arm over her shoulders lazily, leaning my head on her shoulder.

"You always know exactly what to say."

I said lovingly, almost brought to tears by how much I was reminded how much I love my best friend.

"I always do."

The smile was evident in her voice, not irritating me as much as it would have usually.

jaemi? more like jae-mine :3comment what you thoughtt :Da vote is highly appreciated <33

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jaemi? more like jae-mine :3
comment what you thoughtt :D

a vote is highly appreciated <33

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