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Juyoung POV:

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Juyoung POV:

"Lee Jaemi, will you go out with me?"

I spoke into the phone, grinning as I stared at the window, tossing the pebble up and down in my hand patiently.

As expected, the line went quiet, making me smirk with how well my plan was going.

Then, I threw the pebble against the window, picking up another one to repeat my action once more. It didn't take long for the window to open, and seeing Jaemi's surprised face was priceless, the sight stretching my smile even wider.

Her eyes were inflated with shock behind her glasses, one hand covering her mouth while the other one still held her phone against her ear. She still looked effortlessly beautiful, even with her hair tied loosely behind her head, many stray strands flowing around her neck from the gentle breeze that wafted through the now open window.

Our eyes met, and I felt my heart race again, as if soaring around my chest in an attempt to try and escape. This was exactly how I imagined it, I could only hope it was just as much for her.

Keeping my eyes connected with hers, I spoke into the phone again.

"I might not be from a book, but you are the main character of all my hopes and dreams.

"I can only hope that we will write the most beautiful stories together."

I said with as much emotion as possible, knowing perfectly that Jaemi was the only person I would ever do something like this for.

I watched Jaemi's face go red and she moved her hand from her mouth to try and cover her whole face. This was my favourite thing to see, and I couldn't help but chuckle a little out of amusement.

I heard her giggle as well, so quiet I only just heard it on the call. When I looked close enough, I could see her shoulders shaking gently with the small fits of laughter she was having.

"That was so cheesy.."

I grinned, continuing to stare intently at her.

"Wait, it gets better."

At these words, Jaemi slowly moved her hand away from her eyes. She watched me grab something from behind a bush in the garden.

Holding the rose bouquet high, I smiled at her again.

"Is it cheesy enough?"

"More than enough."

Suddenly, her head disappeared from the windowframe, pulling my smile off my face for a second as she left my sight.

My face lit up once again when her front door swung open, revealing her in the doorway, still dressed in her school uniform and a wide grin on her face. She immediately dashed towards me, meeting me in between my arms within the next few seconds.

I wrapped her in my embrace tightly, feeling like my heart was half a second away from bursting out of my chest with every moment. A few petals fell unnoticed to the ground as I buried my face in her shoulder.

The feeling of her arms around my waist and her cheek against my chest, I wanted nothing more than that moment to last forever.

I was never the type of person to try too hard to win a girl over, but something about Jaemi made me want to try everything in my power just to make her mine. The sense of triumph when she returned my embrace was nothing more than ecstatic, little else would make me feel so on-top-of-the-world as I did in that moment.

"I would love to go out with you, Lim Juyoung."


Hyewon POV:

Although I was still a little upset with Yeonjun with how nosy he was being, I was the slightest bit glad that he didn't say anything on the car ride back.

Getting to my room, I waited until I saw Yeonjun's car drive away before I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

I leaned against the wall beside the window I watched his vehicle retreat from, closing my eyes and allowing myself to collapse against it, pushing the heels of my hands into my eyes to keep them dry.

Where did it go all wrong?

I had everything I wanted just a few weeks ago

How could I mess everything up so bad?

I asked myself in my head, desperate to know what I could have done differently to stop this rumour from getting out. I had only told Jaemi, but she would never say anything about it to anyone, I was certain.

I simply couldn't figure out why

JAEMI AND JUYOUNGwhaddya think??

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