Chapter 1: First Day

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Okay. Just like Firewings, this is going to be a more mature book. I'll put TWs in front of any chapters needing them. With that in mind...

TW: Bullying and swearing (This consists for most of the book. I won't put these two on the entire time, as that just ruins everything.)

Lloyd rested his head against the window of the back seat, watching the city pass by in the car on the way to school. He sighed. It was the first day of school, and he was going into freshman year at East Ninjago High. He tried to beg his mother to let him go to West High, but it was a no go. She was literally the principal at East High.

"Oh come on honey, it won't be that bad. You'll have a great time at this high school." Koko encouraged her son.

Lloyd huffed. "Maybe I would. If all my friends didn't go to West High."

Koko looked at him in her rearview mirror. "I'm sorry hunny, but I'm sure you can make new friends. The kids here are great."

Lloyd just rolled his eyes at his mother and looked back out the window. His plan for this year was to just slide by and pass his classes. No extracurriculars or anything.

After a few more minutes of driving, the car pulled into the parking lot of the ginormous school and parked in a staff parking stall. Koko turned and looked at LLoyd with her signature kind smile. "You have your schedule right?"

Lloyd looked at her and just nodded.

"Alright, well then. Just follow your schedule. I'd recommend finding your locker first. Remember that you have an hour before school starts, since we get here early."

"Okay." Lloyd said softly.

Koko rustled her son's hair. "You'll be fine, dear" She turned back around, grabbed her stuff and hopped out of the car.

Lloyd stepped out of the car, and shouldered his backpack. His mom locked the car and went in the staff entrance. Taking a deep breath, Lloyd walked inside the school.

The inside was vast, but empty. The janitor had just opened the school about thirty minutes prior, nobody was likely to be here. Lloyd pulled out his schedule and looked at the locker number on it. Locker 486.

Lloyd found the lockers and followed the numbers. The lockers were full lockers, unlike in his middle school, where they only had half lockers. He reached his locker and opened the combination lock. He dropped his backpack inside and locked it back up. He had an entire hour to kill, so he just sat on the floor and pulled out his phone.

He put his headphones in and watched videos on NetTube. After about fifteen minutes, two people passed by him. As time went on, more and more people started to pass by him. Lloyd looked at the time and saw that it was thirty minutes till school officially started.

Before long, the school was packed with students. People who knew each other chatted, catching up about the summer. Some people were showing off to others, doing flips, skateboarding in the hall, someone was blasting music. Some were being gutsy and doing some substances and drinking. All of those things weren't allowed, but Lloyd knew they were too short staffed here to always enforce the rules.

Lloyd looked at the time. Twenty till school starts. He stood and opened back up his locker. It wouldn't hurt to get to class early, especially with how busy the school was. Looking at his schedule, he had language first. Since it was the first day, he didn't have anything to bring, so he just grabbed his whole bag. He locked the locker and headed to class.

He weaved through the crowd, trying to avoid people. He had been around this school many times, often coming with his mother to the school when he was younger, so he knew where his classes were. He checked his phone and ran into a body, falling backwards in surprise.

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