OC #1: Meagan

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Aka: The Heroine of Time

Age : 17 years old

Height: 5"2

Weight: 120 lbs

Race: Hylian

Family: Link's twin sister. Daughter of a decorated knight and general of the Hylian army and a woman descended from gypsies and counts. Both parents have died during the Hylian Civil War.

Biography: Meagan and her twin brother, Link, were taken to the Kokiri Forest by their mother to escape the terrible fate with death that awaited them during the war. Her father died fighting against the rogue army protecting his family while her mother died of her wounds after securing her and her brother's safety. Before dying, she gave Meagan a necklace containing her birthstone, the aquamarine. This gem would bring her good luck, courage, wisdom, and protect her all her life as long as she wears it. When she grows up, the necklace would then protect her soulmate as well when she finds him. 10 years later, she embarks on her first adventure with Link as the Heroes of Time. Later she must fight against both Ganon and the paranormal with the help of Link and all of her friends; especially Prince Ian of Hyrule and Prince Mohammad of the Gerudo.

She was actually reincarnated after the first era of the Hero of Time when she was a slave of Ganondorf's. She lived a terrible life and when she was 10, she was kidnapped and raised to kill the Hero of Time when he awoke from his 7 year slumber. She betrayed Ganon and fought alongside the hero. She died later in life when she was around 40 years old by both Ganon's minions and the creepypastas. She prayed to the goddesses to give her a second chance and thus they created the second era of the Hero of Time when she was placed in the Kokiri Forest instead of the slums of Kakariko. Now, things are the way she wishes for both herself and everyone she holds dear to her heart.

❤️ Likes: - spicy foods
                   - reading
                   - learning more about everything
                   - music (mainly classic rock and 80s pop music after visiting the Modern Dark Realm.)
                   - horseback riding
                   - art/drawing
                   - animals

😡Dislikes: - talking
                       - spiders/ticks
                       - annoying people
                       - repetition
                       - her poor eye sight (when she was a child before it was fixed in the Modern Dark Realm.)
                       - pink
                       - drinking potions
                       - dressing formally. (Mainly having to be in a dress or a skirt.)

😬Fears: - spiders
             - drowning
             - extreme heights
             - loss
             - being alone in life

❤️‍🔥Potential Love Interests: - Mohammad
                                                       - Jonathan
                                                       - Keegan

Personality: - spunky
                         - independent
                         - shy
                         - fierce
                         - intelligent
                         - sly
                         - kind
                         - courageous

Skills: - fencing
             - art/drawing
             - playing the ocarina
             - playing the violin
             - playing the guitar
             - problem solving
             - acting
             - medicine/healer

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