lukes game ✧muke✧

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luke gets upset at the amount of attention michael gets when they're out in public and turns it into a little game

Luke watched Michael get ready as he had done a million times before. This time was different. They weren't kids anymore, and Michael wasn't cute like he was, he was beautiful. Luke liked that, but only when it was just the two of them. He liked having him all to himself, but when they went out in public and eyes turned to look at him it bothered Luke. He just wanted to leave marks all over him. Let everyone know that he's taken, but Michael didn't see people staring at him as a big deal. It wasn't really a big deal. Michael had always been looked at so it never really bothered him, and Luke hated that. He hated that Michael would just let them look. He figured tonight he'd change things. They'd do something different.


"Yes, Master?"

"You only call me that in the bedroom," he told him.

"Yes, Luke," he asked smiling.

"I want you to do something for me tonight," he said snaking his arms around Michael's waist and moving his lips to his ear.

"Anything," he said nodding and looking at him through the mirror.

"I want you to let people give you numbers, I want you to let them buy you drinks, and I want you to count how many times they tell you how pretty you are."

"But, wh-"

"Ah, ah, ah. You said you'd do anything, right?"

"Of course," he said giving a small nod but looking confused.

"At the end of the night you and I are going to play a game."

"A game?"

"Uh huh, for every time they tell you how pretty you are or compliment your looks you'll get five spankings."

"But, Luke, you kno-"

"Let me finish," he said kissing up to his ear.

He nodded.

"And for every number you get I'm going to leave one mark on you."

"What about drinks?"

Luke smiled at this. He knew Michael loved pleasing others, especially Luke. But he also knew that Michael didn't want to be drunk in random places, he hated puking on people, and he hated telling everyone embarrassing things.

"For every drink they buy you it's ten spankings."

"I don't know if I can take that many," he told him.

"But you'll do it for me, wont you," Luke said giving him a pouty face in the mirror.

Michael nodded.

"Of course," he told him.

"Perfect, now let's go, we have to go meet our friends at the club."

They walked outside. Luke had opened Michael's door and let him get in before he got in the driver's side. He smiled when he did. This was the first time he was happy about Michael being hit on or looked at. Luke tried not to speed all the way to the club, but with the thought of getting to leave the marks on Michael and spanking him, he really wanted people to talk to his boyfriend.

"Luke, what about you," he asked.

"What about me," he asked parking the car.

"Well, what if someone buys you a drink, or compliments you, or gives you their number?"

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