Chapter 6

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Warning: slight blood.

Newt's dreams were not about the attempts on his life. They were always about the night his mother was murdered.
    In the days leading up to Newt's mother's death, she started acting...strange. It was like she knew what was going to happen to her. She was constantly stressed and rushed to teach Newt more things, including toxicology and lock picking. Before she died, she gave Newt the locket. That day, she was sitting in the library. She wasn't reading a book. She was staring at her watch and had an empty cup of tea on the coffee table. There seemed to be something on her mind. Newt had walked up to her, but she didn't look away from the watch.
    "Mom?" Newt had asked.
    Newt's mother hadn't realised that Newt was there and jumped. She looked at Newt.
    "Are you okay?" Newt asked.
    "I need you to hold on to something for me,"
    "What is it?" Newt asked.
    Newt's mother took off her locket.
    "Don't let anyone see it," Newt's mother said. She got up from the chair and started putting the locket on Newt. "Don't tell anyone that you have it. Don't even tell your father."
    "Why—" Newt started.
    "I can't explain," Newt's mother said. "Just don't let anyone know that you have it. You could be killed for having it."
    Newt heard the library door open.
    Newt's mother tucked the locket into Newt's shirt. She kissed Newt's forehead and then looked him dead in the eyes.
    "Now leave," Newt's mother said. "I don't care where you go, just as long as it is far away from here. Don't come back for a while and don't let anyone see you."
    Newt tried to leave through a back door, but it was locked. Newt heard people talking and he stayed hidden behind a bookshelf. The conversation eventually went dead silent. When Newt didn't hear anything he looked out from the bookshelf. He watched his mother die soon after

    It had been two weeks since Newt kissed Tommy's cheek. Newt had been developing feelings for Tommy. He didn't expect to, but it happened. He found himself liking Thomas more and more. Newt felt safe with Tommy and it wasn't just because he was protecting him.
    Newt was sitting at an outdoor table in the garden with Tommy. The gardener, Matthew, was also working in the garden. He was trimming a hedge maze in the garden. Newt and Tommy were talking.
    "What's your favourite flower?" Tommy asked.
    "Red carnation," Newt said. "I always have one pinned to a suit."
    Tommy walked over to a bush with berries on it and kneeled to get a closer look at it.
    "What's this called?" Tommy asked.
    Tommy reached his hand out to touch one of the berries.
    "Nightshade," Newt said. "It's poisonous."
    Tommy retracted his hand and stood up.
    "Then why do you have it in the garden?" Tommy asked. "Why don't you have it removed?"
    "My mother used to grow them," Newt said.
    "Why?" Tommy asked.
    "Protection," Newt said.
    "From what?" Tommy asked.
    Before Newt could answer, Lance walked into the garden from the back door to the estate. Lance walked over to the boys.
    "Thomas," Lance said. "I need to speak to you."
    Tommy walked over to Lance. Newt was about to follow, but Lance stopped him.
    "No, no," Lance said. "You stay here. I need to speak with Thomas privately."
    Before newt could ask why, Tommy did.
    "Why?" Tommy asked.
    Tommy walked closer to Newt and somewhat shielded him from Lance. Newt wasn't sure why.
    "I have to protect Newt at all times," Tommy said. "Why do you want me separated from him?"
    "That's not my intention," Lance said. "Besides. Matthew is here and can watch Newt."
    Lance yelled out to the Matthew. He was sitting on his knees pulling weeds and his back was facing everyone.
    "Can you keep an eye on Newt?" Lance asked.
    The gardener held out his hand and gave a thumbs up.
    "See? All taken care of," Lance said. "We'll keep the door unlocked and stay close to it. Newt can come in if there is any danger.
    Tommy was still hesitant to leave Newt.
    "Do you need me to tell your father that you aren't cooperating?" Lance asked.
    Newt saw a look of fear in Tommy's eyes. Tommy turned around and whispered into Newt's ear.
    "Do you have the pocket knife with you?" Tommy asked.
    Newt nodded.
    "Good," Tommy whispered.
    Tommy kissed Newt's cheek and then followed Lance into the house. Newt touched his cheek where Tommy kissed him and blushed. Newt wasn't sure what to and turned to look at Matthew.
    "Hey, Matthew," Newt said. "Do you need any help?"
    Sometimes when it was sunny out and Matthew was working, Newt would help him garden. Matthew stood up and turned around. Newt went pale. It wasn't Matthew. It was someone else and he was holding a sickle. Blood dropped off of it. Newt was about to run over to the door, but someone else walked in front of it. This time it was a man who had brought a gun.
    "Thomas?!" Newt called.
    "He can't hear you," a third person said. It was a woman with an axe.
    The woman with the axe and the man with the sickle moved closer to Newt. The man with the gun stayed at the door. Newt did the only thing he could think of and ran into the hedge maze.

A/N: The hedge maze was not a connection to The Maze Runner! My brain thought, "I know! Let's make him run into a maze because it sounds suspenseful!" Five minutes later I was like, "Oh shit..."

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