Chapter 12

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Okay. This is kinda dark. Or really really dark. I hope you enjoy! Please vote and comment!
Warning: death.

Mr. Edison looked at his watch as he waited outside the room. Thomas had thirty seconds left to kill Newt, or his father would kill the both of them. Mr. Edison looked at his watch again. Fifteen seconds. He took a gun out from a shoulder harness under his sport coat and walked toward the door.
    Mr. Edison stopped walking as he heard a loud gunshot from the room. A few seconds later, Thomas opened the door.
    "It's done," Thomas said. His eyes were glossy.
    Thomas walked passed his father and up the stairs to leave the cellar. Mr. Edison peaked in the room and saw the chair that held Newt. He was tied to the chair and his head was hanging down. One side of his hair was matted with blood. Mr. Edison walked up to the chair and checked for a pulse. There was nothing. Seeming satisfied, Mr. Edison left the room and shut the door.

    Mr. Edison left the cellar and walked into the dining room. Thomas was pouring gin into a glass at a drinks trolley. Thomas's father walked passed him and over to the dining table.
    "Pour me one," Mr. Edison demanded.
    Mr. Edison put his gun on the table and sat down. Thomas finished pouring the drinks, gin with ice in it, and walked over to the table. He set his father's drink in front of him and walked to the other side of the long table to sit down with his. Mr. Edison took a sip of his drink and Thomas sat down.
    "Hey, Dad?" Thomas asked.
    "What?" Mr. Edison asked.
    "How did you do it all?" Thomas asked. "Why did you do it all?"
    A few seconds later he added:
    "Why did you kill Newt's mom?" Thomas asked.
    Mr. Edison took a sip of his drink.
    "Lydia helped your mother run away," Mr. Edison said. "It took me years to find her, and when I did, I had the damn bitch killed. But Newt is a different story."
    Mr. Edison took another sip of his drink.
    "I wanted to test you," Mr. Edison said.
    "For what?" Thomas asked.
    "I wanted to see if you could really take my place," Mr. Edison said. "I needed to see if you were too soft to take over. I wanted you to get close to someone and kill them. I needed to see if you could kill anyone, and I mean anyone. You passed, apparently."
    Mr. Edison took a sip of his drink.
    "I sent people to try and kill him, knowing they wouldn't be able to fend him off," Mr. Edison said. He took a sip of his drink. "Lance became worried. He didn't know that I had his wife killed and he asked for my help. I sent you to protect him. I sent more people to try to kill him as you grew attached to the boy."
    Four guys who worked for Thomas's father came into the dining room, walked to the door of the cellar, and disappeared down the stairs. They were going to dispose of Newt's body. Mr. Edison looked Thomas dead in the eye.
    "I know about the kiss," he said.
    Thomas almost stopped breathing and his face became laced with fear. Mr. Edison smiled at his son's expression.
    "It just made it more fun to have you kill him," Mr. Edison said with a smile.
    Mr. Edison took another sip of his drink and paused as he saw something in the glass. It was something shiny that was hidden in the ice. He reached into the glass and pulled out an open locket.
    "What the hell is this?" He asked.
    Suddenly, screams could be heard from within the cellar. The screams lasted for a little more than twenty seconds before they died down. Mr. Edison looked at Thomas who was smiling. Mr. Edison reached for his gun and tried to grab it, but for some reason he couldn't grab it and ended up knocking it to the floor. He tried to get up from his chair to pick it up, but his legs gave in and he collapsed to the floor.
    "What the hell is happening to me!?" Mr Edison screamed.
    "It's the poison," said a voice that came from the cellar.
    It was Newt. His head was still matted with blood, or what looked like blood and was ink, and he had Thomas's buck knife that seemed to have blood dripping off of it.
    "It's made from a flower," Newt said. "Rosa sanguinis. Rose of blood. Most roses are edible, but this one isn't. The smallest amount can make someone appear to be dead. With anymore, it will kill a person and you've had more than enough to kill a horse. It shuts down everything in the body until it shuts the heart down."
    Mr. Edison tried to reach for his gun on the floor, but Thomas had gotten up from his chair and he kicked the gun across the room before his father could get it.
    "I thought you don't normally kill people," Mr. Edison struggled to say.
    The locket was still in Mr. Edison's hand and newt kneeled to take it out.
    "I do what my mother did," Newt said. "Kill people who are a threat to others. Once you're dead, you wont be a threat."
    Newt stood up.
    "What about the men in the cellar?" Mr. Edison asked weakly.
    "They're fine," Newt said. "Well, they're alive. They may need a few stitches."
    "Whose idea was it to kill me?" Mr. Edison asked weaker than before.
    Newt closed the locket and put it back around his neck. Thomas looked down at his father.
    "I think life is better with a little mystery," Newt said. "Don't you think, Tommy?"
    "Yes," Thomas said. "Sometimes it's better when you don't know certain things."
    And with that, Mr. Edison breathed his last breath and his heart stopped.

Rosa sanguinis is not a real flower. I made it up for this story.

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