Cruise - Day 1

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Easy Love ~ Sigala


"I'm so excited!" I exclaimed. We stood on the docks of the boat we were about to board.

"You'll love it, Lea. Cruises are so much fun." Matt said with a big smile.

"We got all the nice packages and rooms too. We basically own the ship now." Chris said. The boat was docked next to us. It was the biggest boat I had ever seen. We were waiting in line to get through security.

"Can't wait to ride some water slides." John nodded proudly.

"Oh! There's water slides on here?" I asked.

Jaren nodded, "Lots. Lots of pools and hot tubs too."

"This is going to be so much fun!" I exclaimed.

"They have amazing food and drinks. Everyday is a new adventure. Nice to have another girlfriend on this trip." Tyler's girlfriend laughed, Kelly.

I nodded, "We definitely need a girls night."

"Aww. I wanna go." Tyler complained.

"Girls only." I giggled.

"So, Grizzy and go cause he's a pussy." John smirked.

"Hey! No I'm not." Nelson replied before we all started laughing. We made it to the security gate and put all of our luggage through the scanners. We got through with no trouble.

I snatched Jaren’s hat before he could put it back on and put it on my head. He glared at me with a smile. I stuck my tongue out at him and stepped away from him so he couldn’t take it back. I grabbed my luggage and followed Tyler and Kelly.

We walked down a winding hallway that took us onto a deck of the boat. Jaren wrapped his arm over my shoulder and pushed down the bill of his hat so it covered my eyes. "Oi!" I giggled. He started laughing.

The boat had us meet up in a group for a safety brief and then we could go off to find our rooms. We had rented out two suites. Jaren, Tyler, Kelly, and I were in one while Nelson, John, Matt, and Chris were in the other. Our room was nice with two king-sized beds that were separated by two TV's facing opposite directions. The bathroom was small but it was nice. There was a balcony with some seats overlooking the water.

Kelly passed out our room cards. "I wanna go explore the ship!" I said excitedly.

"Chill, happy feet. We should go get some lunch first." Tyler said, "It's a big ship. It will take you a while to explore the whole thing."

"Fine." I pouted.

Jaren snatched his hat off of my head, "You'll start complaining about being hungry if we explore now." He grinned down at me.

We left the room and Nelson, John, Chris, and Matt were walking out. "We were just about to come get you guys. Want to go get some food?" Nelson asked.

"Just what we were heading too." Kelly laughed. We found the Cafe that was bustling with people. Kids were running around and parents where getting food.

All sorts of smells wafted through the large dining area. "Matt and I can find some seats." John offered.

"Good luck finding a table for eight people." Nelson chuckled.

"You doubt my table holding skills?" John challenged.

"On this boat. Yes." Tyler agreed.

John did a fake laugh, "Watch and learn, apprentices. Com'on Matt." They left to go find a table while we got in line for food. Everything looked so delicious. I found some burgers, French fries, and watermelon which I was excited about. Once everyone had a plate of food, we met back up to look for John and Matt.

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