Cruise - Day 6

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Joyride ~ Stellar


"I can't believe it is the last day." I groaned. We all sat in the Cafe with heaps of food on our plates.

"I know, right? This is the saddest day." Kelly agreed.

"At least we don't have to truly get off until tomorrow. We can spend the whole day doing stuff on the boat." Chris offered.

"Oh! Yes. Water slides!" John said excitedly.

"I want to try laser tag, too." I added.

"They are also opening the ice rink for public skating. Some dance and skate thing." Matt added. I groaned with the grin Jaren gave me.

"Can you even do the Cha Cha Slide on ice?" Chris asked.

"One way to find out." Jaren beamed and everyone started laughing.

"Laser tag while it warms up outside, then the watersides and swimming pools, food, and then the ice rink?" Nelson asked for a plan.

"Round on me tonight. I wanna get hammered." John smirked.

"I'm not carrying you to the stateroom." Matt giggled.

"You couldn't even if you tried." John shot back and we burst out laughing at Matt's offended facial expression.

"Yes to everything except the ice rink." I said.

"I'll drag your ass there if I have to." Jaren threw an arm over my shoulder and put me in a half-headlock.

"No! Ice and my butt don't mix! I couldn't sit down for a week the last time we went!" I struggled in protest.

"Sounds like we have a plan." Tyler said. We all talked excitedly as we walked up to the laser tag arena. It was on the top deck of the ship and took the whole deck.

There wasn't a line yet since it was still pretty early in the morning. I chose my vest and gun which lit up red.

"Best shooters on blue!" John hollered. Everyone except Kelly and I walked over to the blue vests which caused a bunch of laughter.

"Matt, get your ass on red. You're terrible." Chris laughed.

"Aww." Matt shuffled over.

"I mean Grizzy is pretty bad too. Oh and Tyler!" I exclaimed.

"True." Jaren agreed with me.

"Hey!" Tyler snapped at Jaren.

"Alright. You can get Grizzy." Chris said.

"Fuuuck. We are gonna get mopped." Matt groaned.

I slung my vest over my shoulders, "Let their egos get the best of them. We're the underdogs."

Nelson giggled, "Now we're talking." I stuck my tongue out playfully towards Jaren and he did the same. A staff member gave us the rules and showed us a map on a TV screen. I saw that it was a two-story arena. Two ramps on either side led up to the second floor.

"Okay fellas, I have a plan." I murmured to my team. Nelson, Matt, and Kelly all leaned in so the blue team wouldn't hear me. "We secure the top floor immediately. That way there are only two accesses. We pair off to keep them from getting up the ramps." I whispered.

"Oh! Good idea. We can snipe them from above!" Nelson whispered giddily.

Tyler walked over casually and joined our little huddle. We all just stared at him. "What?" He asked.

"You're trying to listen to our plans." I said.

Tyler smirked, "What? I'd never."

"Yes, you would." All of us said at once. We laughed and the countdown began to our release. Tyler joined his team. The door opened to a colorful arena that glowed under the black lights. Matt and I split off to the left and immediately rushed the left side ramp to the second floor. Kelly and Nelson were walking up the other ramp.

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