Cruise - Day 3

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Born to Be Yours ~ Imagine Dragons & Kygo


"How are you feeling?" Jaren asked the next morning. I sat up and groaned painfully. He chuckled, "I'll take that as the medicine wore off. I'll text John." He gave me a kiss and then climbed out of the bed. Kelly and Tyler were starting to stir as well. I took a sip of my water on the nightstand. When I got up, Kelly opened the curtains and made a surprised sound.

"Forgot we reached The Bahamas last night." She giggled. I got up to look outside.

"Woah. Can we go to the beach then?" I asked excitedly. I saw lots of clear water and tall hotel buildings.

Kelly laughed, "You read my mind. Let's go meet up with the boys."

"I've never been to one. Are they nice?" I asked.

"Oh girl. You haven't lived until you've gone to a nice beach." Kelly said excitedly.

"Then let's go, ladies. I'm starving." Tyler said as he finished getting dressed. I brushed out my hair and changed my clothes. We went up to the up to the Cafe where Kelly and I snagged a table while Tyler and Jaren went to find the rest of the gang.

"What do you bring to the beach?" I asked.

Kelly chuckled, "It's like a day at the pool. Just with sand."

"I heard sand gets everywhere." I said as I waved down Tyler and Jaren.

Kelly laughed, "You heard right. You'll have sand in places you didn't know existed." Tyler and Jaren had found everyone else and we ate breakfast while talking about the beach. I wasn't hungry enough to get my own plate so I leaned on Jaren's shoulder and snatched one of the grapes that was on his plate.

He looked at me with a challenging smirk. I grinned and stuck my tongue out at him before reaching for another one. He moved the plate away slightly so I had to reach further which gave him the opportunity to kiss me, which I wasn't expecting. "Your boy kinda smooth with it." He smiled when he pulled away.

I glared at him with a giggle, "Cleaver, but I still want your food." He giggled with an eye roll and pushed his plate towards me. I cooed happily and started munching on the grapes. He took the chocolate donut on the plate before I could grab it. I looked at him as he took a bite with a smug look. I pouted as he took another bite. He then rolled his eyes and pointed the donut towards me so I could take a bite. I did and hummed happily.

"Ay. Love birds. How are you contributing to the beach party?" Chris asked with a laugh.

"Tyler and I got sunscreen and towels, John and Matt are getting snacks, and Puffer has the drinks right?" Kelly asked.

Chris nodded. "We can get the Uber." Jaren said while leaning back in his seat. He let me finish the donut which didn't stand a chance.

"Perfect. I'll just hitchhike and not do anything." Nelson grinned.

"Like you always do." John commented and everyone started laughing. We left breakfast and Kelly was telling me all the things I should bring. I was so excited to go stick my feet in the sand and swim in the ocean. We met up after packing and headed for the exit off the boat.

"The Uber said it was big but I don't know if there is enough room for 8 people." Jaren said as he looked at his phone.

"Laps?" Matt asked.

"We'll have to see if the Uber driver is okay with that. If not, I can order another one." Jaren explained. We found the Uber driver who was indeed in a big SUV but even he was wide-eyed when we approached.

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