Cruise - Day 5

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Apologies for not posting here in a while. I was posting a new book and just moved states so my life is a little hectic. But I will always produce the best quality of writing I can for you, lovely hoomans! There is also a really late Thanksgiving chapter coming out soon. Ignore it being late! It's just too cute not to post it! Go get a snack while you read and some water! Love you all! <3



I'm Falling for You ~ Loving Caliber


"Lea. Babe. Come on." Jaren said while leaning down to kiss my cheek and rub my shoulder. I grumbled and sat up.

"We gotta get off the boat and catch the bus." Kelly said while picking up her belongings for the tour.

I got up and changed into clean clothes, tiredly. I was not a morning person. Jaren chuckled, "You look like you have a hangover."

"I thought she didn't drink heavily." Kelly pointed out.

"I don't. I'm not a morning person." I groaned.

Kelly giggled, "You look worse than Tyler."

"My hangover isn't that bad. I bet Nelson's is bad. He drank twice as much as I did." Tyler said defensively.

Jaren rolled his eyes, "That's Grizzy."

"Are they even out of bed or do they all have hangovers?" Kelly asked.

"I know Matt is up. He just texted me. Lemme see if the others are up. We can meet at the buffet and grab a quick breakfast." Jaren said as he started typing on his phone.

"Tell them they have 30 minutes to get ready." Kelly said. Jaren nodded. I leaned into his side with a sigh. He chuckled and pulled me closer.

He put his phone away after texting Matt and kissed me on top of my head. "You look gorgeous today." He hummed. We left the room and headed for the Cafe.

"Thank you." I grumbled, "You too..." I trailed off.

He chuckled, "You poor thing."

"Give me three hours and I'll be awake..." I muttered.

"Let's get some coffee in ya. I bet that will help." Jaren said. We got our food and sat down at a table. The buffet just opened so most of the tables were vacant. I ate my food and sipped my coffee which I was happy to have. Helped my tiredness.

Nelson, Matt, Chris, and John all came to join us. Nelson and John looked horrible from their hangovers. "Are you guys going to be fine on the tour?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah. We don't want to miss it. I'd feel bad." John sighed.

"Shouldn't have drank so much last night." Nelson groaned.

Chris chuckled, "I warned you guys."

"Guess we should've done the bar trip tonight instead of yesterday." Kelly snickered.

"Maybe some fresh air will help you guys out." Jaren said while leaning back in his seat. We ate and then grabbed our stuff to get off the boat. Kelly took charge and found the bus that would take us to a tour in Cozumel. I watched out the window. I was so intrigued by the different styles of living. I leaned into Jaren's side as he talked with the others.

I turned to look at Kelly who was sitting with Tyler, "So what are we doing on this tour?"

"Cool stuff. They have these cool caverns called Jade Caverns and you can jump into the water from the top." Kelly explained.

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