The Undead Crew

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Spooky Scary Skeletons remix ~ LivingTombStone


"I love Halloween!" I exclaimed.

"I don't. I gotta play all the spooky shit. Getting lots of requests to play Five Nights at Freddy's." Jaren sat next to me on the sofa.

"Oh dude. You're gonna hate that one." John chuckled. He sat across from us.

"Nope. Not playing it then." Jaren started.

"Aw. Smii7y's scared of some animals." Matt joked.

Jaren nodded, "Definitely. Ones that are trying to kill me are not fun."

"Can we decorate the house?" I asked.

John and Matt looked at eachother. "Like a haunted house?" Matt asked.

I shook my head, "No. Just cute decorations. It is my favorite holiday."

"So no expensive yard decorations right?" John asked.

"Nope. I have a good idea. I was thinking of a pirate skeleton crew for the trick-or-treaters." I said.

"Oh I like that idea!" Matt said with a laugh.

"That does sound fun. We'll need a few of those plastic skeletons, huh?" Jaren asked.

I nodded, "We can dress up as pirates too."

"Oh yeah! I wanna be the guy with the peg leg!" Matt added. I laughed.

"Arg! I do be the captain. Who be me first mate?" John said in a pirate accent.

"Ar. Have you forgotten already who's ye first mate, you dirty sea dog?" Jaren responded in his own pirate voice. We all started laughing.

"Let's go then, you salty sea lovers." I chuckled and stood up. We took John's car to the store where I skipped excitedly to the Halloween section. Matt had a cart. John took a skeleton that was hanging on a rack. He then held it up next to me.

"Ha! You're shorter than a plastic skeleton." John teased before rubbing the top of my head. I smacked his hand away.

"You're not that much taller than me." I retaliated. John chuckled and put the skeleton in the cart.

They soon found the Halloween costumes and accessories. I grabbed a princess crown and put it on John's head. "Aww John. You're a pretty princess now." I giggled.

"Pft. Mind you. I'm always a pretty princess." John huffed.

"I think you mean pussy." Matt commented as he walked by with the cart. John and I started laughing.

I felt something placed on my head. Jaren put a headband with pointed ears on them on my head. "Op. We better return Santa's elf. It's not your season, shortie." Jaren scooped me up under my legs and behind my back.

"Ah! No! Put me down!" I yelped. John and Matt were laughing and helped Jaren put me in the cart. "I hate you all." I grumbled when they were successful in putting me in the cart next to the skeleton.

"Shush, elf." John demanded. I took of the headband and threw it at him with a smile. He caught it and tried to put it back on my head. He wrestled with me before giving up. He put it back and we continued shopping. We found the pirate stuff and the guys had fun picking out costumes and accessories.

I pointed at the things I wanted and Jaren handed them to me. They had a nice girl pirate costume I liked. It had a bird plushie on the shoulder. All the things were piled around me in the cart. We got a costume for the skeleton which the guys named Joel for some reason. We made our way to check out and the guys debated of helping me out of the cart.

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