Cruise - Day 4

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Want You ~ Rynx


I woke up to a kiss on my nose. "Morning, buttercup. How are you doing?" Jaren asked softly.

"Mmhf." Was all I could grumble from my half-sleep.

He chuckled, "What day is it again? Girls day, right?" My eyes flew open causing Jaren to have to stuff the comforter in his face to keep his laughs from waking up Tyler and Kelly. I laughed a bit too as I sat up. I felt the ship rocking and my stomach was not impressed. I got up to take some medicine so I could enjoy my day.

I then looked in the mirror and saw the horrific mess that was my hair. I sighed as I remembered that I slept with my hair wet which meant it was going to be a bad hair day for me. I tried to brush it out with water on the brush but the frizz came back once it dried. "Aww Lea. Are you having a bad hair day?" Kelly asked when she saw me trying to get my hair under control.

I nodded, "I fucked up. I slept with it wet."

"Aww. You poor thing. Let's get that fixed up. I have this hair spray that works magic on frizz." She said. She got something from her suitcase. She shook up a bottle. "Best part, it is sparkly and smells good." Kelly smiled.

She laughed when she saw my face light up. "That is amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Right?! Tyler! Get your ass out of bed and take Smii7y out!" Kelly demanded. I heard Jaren laugh from our bed.

"Fine." Tyler grumbled. Kelly took my brush and sprayed some of her hair spray in my hair. It did, in fact, make my hair smell good and get rid of the frizz. She brushed through my straight hair.

"You look fucking good with straight hair, girl. Dayum." Kelly gawked.

"Oh shit. You're gonna summon the Smotters." I giggled. Jaren peeked his head around the corner to see me making Kelly and me laugh.

"Holy fuck. Yeah you do. Looking hella sexy." Jaren said. I turned pink. Kelly set my brush down and went into the bathroom to do her morning routine. Jaren came up to me and ran his fingers through my straight hair.

"Thank you." I smiled, "Can I borrow the maple hat?" He was wearing the Bahamas one and I wanted to wear the other one he brought.

"Will you lose it?" He asked.

I shook my head, "I'll be the carfullest in the whole-wide-world. I won't take it off my head. Pwomise." I said in a child voice with my hands behind my back.

He cupped my chin and pulled me into a kiss, "Okay. It's in my suitcase. "

"You guys are so fucking cute." Tyler said while getting ready.

"Shut the hell up Tyler and hurry up!" Kelly said from the bathroom while putting on her make-up.

"Mom and Dad are fighting again." I laughed. Jaren nodded while laughing. Soon Tyler was ready and Kelly kissed him goodbye. I retrieved the maple hat from Jaren's suitcase. It was just a black baseball cap with a white outline of a Canadian leaf on it. I made sure it fit my head and matched the outfit.

"You ready to get some food?" Kelly asked as she slipped on her shoes.

"Yes. I'm starving." I laughed. We left the room, feeling refreshed and ready for a girls day.

"Tyler's right though. You and Smii7y are really fucking cute. You guys have been dating for a year now right?" She said as we walked up to the coffee shop on the ship.

I blushed, "Thank you. It's been a little over a year now."

"And still in the honeymoon stage. I'm jealous." Kelly giggled.

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