Cruise - Day 2

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ily (I love You) ~ Surf Mesa


I sat up with a groan of tiredness. My head throbbed with pain and I felt dizzy. "C'mon, sleepy head. Let's go get some food." Jaren smiled. He was pulling down a shirt and Kelly and Tyler were up too.

Just the mention of food, made my insides churn. Jaren's brows furrowed, "You alright, Lea?" He asked.

"Yeah. Just light headed. I think I just need to eat." I replied.

"Then let's go. Grizzy just texted me. They are up at the Cafe already." Tyler said. I got up and changed quickly. I decided to leave the braid in my hair since sleeping made it messy and look acceptably cute.

We walked up to the Cafe and the smell of food didn't help with the twist in my stomach. I got some fruit and an omelet to try and get something down. We found the other four who had a table. I sat next to Jaren and started to pick at my food but it wasn't appetizing in the least.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Jaren asked, "You've barely touched your food."

"I don't know." I answered honestly.

"Hm. Lea? Do you get motion sickness in a car?" Kelly asked.

"Sometimes if I don't look out the window enough." I said.

"You might get sea sickness then." Kelly diagnosed.

"Sounds like it. I get sea sick too. I have some medicine you can take that will help out. I fucking hate the ocean sometimes. Like bitch needs to chill. I can give you some once we are finished." John said.

I smiled, "Thanks John." Jaren wrapped an arm around me and rubbed my shoulder. I leaned into his side and closed my eyes to try and soothe the headache.

Once John finished with breakfast, him, Jaren, and I walked back down to the rooms where he let us in. He let me take some medicine which I just had to wait for to work. "Glad you're not throwing up yet." John chuckled.

"That could happen?" I asked with shock.

"Sadly. Let's go on the deck. I'm sure some fresh air will help you." John said. We went outside where loud music played and children screamed while playing in the pool. The fresh air certainly helped to settle my stomach but the screaming and music didn't help with my headache.

We followed John up a few decks where there were a ton of sun chairs with people sunbathing. This was near the bow of the ship and you couldn't hear the music from there. "It's so peaceful up here." I said with a small laugh.

"Yup. We found this place while you guys were out dancing. Thought it would be a nice place to just chill." John explained. He brought us to a couple of sofas that were under a balcony. It was quiet aside from a few conversations of other people and I could see the horizon off the edge of the railing.

Jaren and I took a two seater couch while John took a singular one. I leaned into Jaren's side and shut my eyes. Jaren and John talked while I just listened. I soon drifted asleep.

"Lea. C'mon. Let's get some food." Jaren said as he gently shook me awake. When I opened my eyes, the sun was low in the sky and my nausea was gone. "How are you feeling?" Jaren asked.

I leaned up, "Better but definitely hungry." I rubbed my eyes to help me wake up.

"Guess that means the medicine worked." John said proudly.

"Come on. The gang has an idea for dinner I guess." Jaren stated as he stood up. He took my hand and helped me to my feet. We walked to the Cafe where we saw everyone else standing.

"There's the threesome." Nelson giggled, "Grab some food and we are gonna head outside."

"How are you feeling, Lea?" Kelly asked.

"Much better. Just needed some good ol' R and R." I responded. We got some food. I had decided on pasta. We followed Matt and Nelson outside and up a few flights of stairs. The sun was setting which was so beautiful against the water. We were on a small deck above a bar. There were seats, tables and ottomans.

"This is a nice spot. How did you guys find all these nice spots?" I asked as I sat down next to Jaren.

"We did some exploring on our own." Matt answered. We ate and talked while watching the sunset. The night was a bit cold but I snuggled up with Jaren once I was finished eating. After a few minutes, the plates in front of me on the ottoman were irritating me so I stood up and put them on the table. When I turned around, Jaren was smiling at me as he was laying on the sofa we were sharing to hog it all.

I glared at him with a smile. "Move." I giggled.

"No." He challenged. I shook my head but pushed him up slightly so I could squeeze between the armrest and him. He laughed as he adjusted so he could lay his head on my lap. I rolled my eyes but focused on the conversation the others were having. I brushed some of his chocolate locks out of his face which earned me a side glance from him.

I avoided eye contact but smiled as I ran my fingers gently through his hair. He didn't complain.

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