Chapter 13

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I still stare at him, in complete shock. "W-what?"I ask. "You were my mentor?" Dr. Grey nods.
"It needs to stop, [name]." I look at him confused. "What do you mean?" The man looks at me with hesitation. "Follow me."
H walks out of the store back to the market. I stand still hesitating for a bried moment.

He's a stranger, but what choice do I have?

I follow him, glancing at him from time to time. He's serious and looks forward. His hands are in his pockets. "So what has to stop?"I ask, trying to continue out previous conversation. The man looks at me. "Right..."he says as we continue to walk.
He takes a deep breath and stops walking. "I'm sorry this happened to you," he suddenly says with sadness. He looks genuine as he glances at me. He leans by a nearby tree. "You were always a kind girl, too kind for your own best will. Now you're here... in this mess. I never wanted this for you."
I pull my scarf a bit higher as a cold breeze blows to us. Not knowing what to say, I wait for him to continue.
"You probably don't remember, but you were a wonderful assistant. Sometimes, I honestly truly felt... that I wanted only the best for you."

There is silence between us. "Do you know by any chance what I needed the money for? Why would I go this far for some pennies?" The man let's out a low chuckle. "It wasn't just a few pennies. You earned a lot of money with that. Every assistant did..." The man looks up once again meeting my gaze. "I remember that day like yesterday. You came to my office that day, gave your application, and you smiled before you left. You didn't talk much, but you would. I learned you everything you needed to know. You were pretty much the only one who didn't break a rule. You were very careful with the job." Dr. Grey sits down and smiles. "Once you came to my chamber with a horrified expression on your face..."

I listen carefully, interested in what he says.

"... you asked a lot about the prisoners. Just when I wanted to ask what's going on, you thanked and left without saying another word again to me again. Of course, I had my suspicions that you've met the prisoners. So when I saw you one day close to the door I followed you inside. Just like any other, I expected that you either be amazed or horrified by the experiments. But you opened my eyes when I saw you. You were the first one willing to communicate, and so the government gave you a 'promotions'. A bit of a therapist, you might say, you listened to them and reported everything. I was happy for you, but then..."
He stops explaining, and the curiosity is killing me inside.

"Then what?"I ask.
"You no longer reported..."

I could expect this from myself. Feeling pity for them and deciding to keep their privacy. I wouldn't be surprised.

"You also... sometimes came to another district. The district of 3, we like to call it. Seven used to be there as well."

Just like the others, he used to know me too before I even knew he existed!

"Now he has it out for you. But not for himself but..." Suddenly, I see the man's face fill with fear. I look behind me and see a male quickly going around the cornor before I can see his face. All of the sudden Dr. Grey grabs my arm and walks, dragging me with him. "Listen closely, [name]. Promise something, and you have to keep it." I can hear a hint of fear in his voice. "Promise me that you won't hesitate. Seven is closer than you think. Promise me!"
The man's voice is loud , and it makes me jump. I nod quickly. "I promise," I say. "Good," says the man."There is a book. You can kill them, kill them all. I need to go. Tomorrow, I won't be any here any longer." Before I can ask where it is he walks away fast. "Where is it!?", I yell as he is far away. "Watch the news!" He says and dissapears as the fog devours him.

Sadness takes over me as I see him disappear. The nostalgic feeling rushing inside of me.

I can kill them... I can kill them all...

Suddenly, I hear footsteps behind me. I feel my heart beat in my chest. Is it seven? I turn around to see a man in a cloak.
I feel fear rising in me. I take a few steps back. "What are you doing here? What did you do to my coworker!?", I try to put on a brave face but I can't. I can feel six grin at me. "Oh... well. She was just too easy... you're a lot harder. I like that... I like a challenge." Six puts of his hood. I expected to see scars and burned skin, but it's all healed. No trace left that he was set on fire. I can see Six' his eyes on me.

I somehow can't reply, I want to run away, but my legs are frozen on the ground. "What's wrong, little lamb? Cat got you tongue?"he says with a smug grin. He walks closer to me, every step he takes feels a step closer to hell. "Nathaniel..." "No no no, it's 'six'", he says in a playful tone. His hand stroked the side of my cheek, putting a string of hair behind my ear. I feel my legs tremble at his touch. "Say it, little lamb. What's my name?"

My heart races, not knowing what I should do. He could kill me this very moment. "Six..."  I stutter. "Such a good girl, aren't you?"

My eyes switch to the ground. I see a hadow crossing mine.

Someone is sneaking up behind me...

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