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"... sightings have not yet confirmed the witnesses' stories, but the enormous ball of flame that engulfed the building last night ... "


" ... signs point to a fascination with ancient mysticism, these warriors of the night straight from a bygone era who ..."


"... An ancient code of honor, binding all who fought with the Lord, to protect the innocent from the wicked and the powerful ..."


"...No explanation yet as to how these criminals were left, almost literally, gift-wrapped for the police. You won't believe the story these lucklorn criminals told to New York's Finest. Tonight, on..."


"... local legends and urban myth, never seen in broad daylight. You could call them 'modern cryptids'..."


"...Monsters! I'm telling ya! Monsters, right here, in New York City! Can you believe it?"


"...warm'd and cool'd by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, do we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest... we will resemble you in that."


The television blinked off, the remote carelessly dropped onto a coffee table that looked like it had been pulled out of the harbor, dusted off, and set in the middle of a living room as if it still had any business being in polite company. A balding middle-aged man stretched on his stained, broken recliner. "Gots like a thousand channels, and nothin' good on." He sighed. "The hell do I pay for cable, anyway?"

He wriggled left, right, left, and eventually managed to roll to his right out of the greasy, dark-stained pit he'd worn for himself in the seat of the broken Lay-Z-Boy. His feet kicked a few beer cans to the corners of the dingy, trash-strewn apartment as they padded, bare, across the stain-and-mess-colored kitchen tile. He pried open the fridge door with his grimy toes, the corner of the once-white fridge stained with filthy brown footprints from the habit. He fished out another can of Bud Light, and popped open the can. He sucked down several gulps of his liquid bread before looking about the apartment.

He really should clean. If there was nothing good on TV and he was too broke to go out, maybe he could at least pick up a few cans. But what the hell else was he going to do? Walk to Blockbuster and rent a movie?

Actually? Yeah. Yeah, he could do that. Get one of them old monster movies, see if they were renting out Alien or maybe even Terminator! Yeah, he could make it a night, go to that pizza place on Eastman and Laird that just opened up. It'd be nice to get out of the apartment for a change. Cleaning could wait.

He lifted his arm, warily sniffing his own body. He leered, gagging on the stench, his face twisted up like a gargoyle. "Eugh. Maybe I should shower first." He grunted.


He whirled around to look at his window where he heard the noise. A car? No, no way. He was up on the 18th floor. A bird? No. Too big. Way too big.

Crrrnch, crrrnch, crrrnch, WHOMPF!

His eyes tracked up the wall of his apartment, following a trickle of dust up the wall and across the ceiling, as he watched in horror. Something was... crunching the brick of the wall outside. Something big, strong, fast, and very heavy. Now it was on the roof.

He heard a pained cry of a person. Or an animal? He rubbed his bloodshot eyes, gulping dryly. Right. Leaving. He was leaving. Screw the shower. He was from the Bronx; he knew trouble when he smelled it, and had gotten very good at avoiding it. He grabbed his work coat, put it on over his shoulders, and fished out a hat to jam over his greasy, stringy hair. He slipped on a pair of flip flops and slipped out of the apartment.

He stood in the hallway, quietly debating if he should bother waiting for the elevator, or take the stairs and aggravate his asthma. He heard a low rumble over his head, felt the building tremble subtly. Another stream of dust trickled from the ceiling. Stairs. Never take the elevator in an emergency. He shouldered open the stairwell door, flip flops slapping against his heels as he shuffled down the stairs as fast as he dared.

What on earth could be making that racket? Punks? Pigeons? Terrorists? His blood went cold at that last one. The planes hit the Twin Towers only a few weeks ago. What if it was another attack? His thoughts raced as he found himself going down the stairs a little faster, sandals clopping from a trot up to a canter.

Pizza. Movie. And if the cops showed up, he'd just wait until they cleared the place. He could always sleep in his car. He had nothing to hide, and they couldn't arrest him if he wasn't there anyway.

He shuffled out of the lobby and out onto the street, only daring to look up for a moment. But, seeing nothing overhead, he turned up his collar and jammed his hands into his pockets, his fingers finding the familiar holes he still had not yet patched. He marched off towards Blockbuster first, determined to put at least a mile between him and whatever the hell was happening at his apartment. He didn't get involved in other peoples' problems if he could at all possibly wriggle his way out of it. Was it slimy? A little. But it was also decidedly not his problem. He had enough of them as-is.

He made it to the Blockbuster, heard the ding of the bell on the door, and waved to the teenager behind the counter. She spun around in her office chair, looking down at the magazine without really paying him any mind. He rolled his eyes. Whatever. Young punks.

He picked up one or two movies, beginning to engross himself in the only reading he actually did–the summaries on the sleeves of the VHS tapes–when the wall beside him exploded.

Gargoyles X TMNT: Shadows of New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now