A Match Made In Hell

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The Eyrie Building was 90 storeys tall, a gothic spire of black stone, polished steel, and solar-glass. It blossomed from the ground and pierced the heavens with its dark needle, crowned by the parapets of Castle Wyvern. It was ornamented down its length with leering stone gargoyles and flying buttresses, seemingly designed to match the castle above. There were perks to having your office on the top floor of the now-tallest building in New York City. Perks like having a twenty-foot tall wall of glass with an unobstructed view of all Manhattan.

Granted, it wasn't as comfortable a sight as it once had been. Most especially given that he had been in the North Tower at a business meeting just the day Before.

David Xanatos looked out at this view over one shoulder. His perfectly shaped lips and aquiline nose creased as he smiled. His dark, wide eyes glinted with cunning. With his bronze skin, long ponytail, and well-groomed goatee, he cut a figure that would make one think of an ancient Greek king. He was undeniably a handsome man, and he wore his charisma in a way that subtly told the room that he knew the magnetism he possessed.

He sipped his water from his glass, his neat suit unrumpled by his easy and comfortable posture in the power chair. He smacked his lips. "Are you sure I can't interest you in some? It's cucumber-mint. Fresh this morning."


"Well, you'll break Owen's heart." Xanatos was charming and apologetic as he smoothly spun his chair to face his guest. "He is so proud of his refreshments."

"I do not drink in another's home." The guest said firmly.

"Suspecting poison? Well, rest assured, I'm not nearly so foolish."

"Others have been. You understand."

"Oh, all too well, Mr. Oroku." Xanatos sighed. "Wealth attracts enemies."

Mr. Oroku sat stiffly in his chair, unearthly in his disciplined stillness. Xanatos could hardly see him breathe, let alone blink. His features were thin and narrow, all deep angles. His vampire-pale skin and slick iron-black hair painted him in the shades of a film-noir villain. His features were unmarred by blemish or mark, save for three thin scars that began at his temple, passed over his milky right eye, and ended at the bottom of his chin.

His thin lips stretched an insincere smile. "Believe me. I am well accustomed to enemies."

"Well." Xanatos blinked, mildly put off. "I believe your lawyers have had time to look over the final draft of my proposed amendments?"

"You drive a very hard bargain." Oroku said, a voice that was so cold he could have frosted the table with his breath. "A 55-45 share in the profits is not attractive to my associates. Your research team had better be worth it."

"Oh, I trust that they'll go quite a long way at TCRI. I'm certain that you and Dr. Sevarius will get along famously." He smiled that charming smooth smile. "This compound is going to revolutionize medicine. Longevity, degenerative diseases, paralysis, the common cold." He winked. "At least, that's what the press will say."

"You will have no shortage of healthy volunteers. But the mutagen must be perfected. Its instability has cost me dearly."

Xanatos raised his eyebrows. "You did mention 'containment issues' a few years back. These won't prove to be a hindrance, will they?"

Oroku's eyes narrowed. In spite of himself, Xanatos felt the small hairs on the back of his neck prickling as his guest scowled. "If it must be done, I will see to the security of the site personally. "

Xanatos allowed himself a wary pause behind his unbreakable facade. "And our other contract?" He prompted.

Oroku closed his eyes and breathed out through his nose. "Must this be a term of our deal?"

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