Touched by an Angel

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That instant of distraction was all Goliath needed. He surged forward, claws outstretched, and his hand engulfed the heads of two Foot ninja. With the shrill squeal of crushed metal, sparks and loose bolts filled his hands. He swung both bodies in a wide arc, knocking over three more. Lobbing them into the crowd, he staggered the remainder.

He looked over his shoulder at the wounded mutants, eyes burning like halogen lights. "Run! We shall hold them, now run!"

Wingnut shook his head, trying to protest. But Screwloose grabbed the collar of his sleeveless shirt. "Do as he says, let's go!"

"But what about you?!" Wingnut looked to the old one.

"We'll be right behind ye, lads. Fly if you can, run if you can't!" He sprang forward, speed and precision belying his age, as he cleaved one robot straight down the middle into clean, sparking halves. A gush of oil sprayed his face, like the splatter of blood.

Wingnut looked at the two monsters–no, men–who had saved their lives. Gratitude glistened in his beady black eyes. With a solemn nod, he clutched Screwloose close to his chest and took off running. A small contingent of Foot soldiers took off after him, continuing pursuit.

Bang, bang, bang! There was a burst of oil and metal shards, and all three Foot fell. Elisa leveled her gun, knowing who the foe was now. She whirled around, side-stepping a naginata that would have split her in twain, whipping a boot heel to the face of the robot with a shout! She squeezed two more rounds into it, looking up just in time to see the mangled remains of a Foot ninja, mechanical innards whining, leap at her!

She threw up a block with a forearm, and felt the thing's punch-punch-kick connect! She felt the blasts of pain as blood vessels broke under her skin. Even damaged beyond any human recognition, it still hit like a horse! She saw one spiked knee-guard rocketing towards her face, only just grabbing it in time to catch it, throw it off balance and dance away! But it got up, continuing pursuit. Two more joined it, and she felt her heart race as she realized very, very quickly that she was not going to escape them for long.

There was a rush and a roar–a sound like an enormous enraged lion, a weight in the wind like a meteor strike–and all three robots were knocked from her pursuit, sent clear away.

Elisa did not allow herself to turn around. She couldn't, with the one-armed remnant of a Foot closing in. An elbow to the face, a knee to the gut, she nearly completed the three-stroke death strike when the robot caught her fist. She gasped and cried out with pain as her wrist bent back the wrong way. A splurt of hydraulic fluid escaped from the robot's neck, and suddenly its arm went limp, unable to complete the maneuver that most certainly would have snapped her wrist.

Wasting no chance, she took the damaged arm, hauled it over her shoulder, and rolled the robot across her back, thumping it into the ground like a man-shaped sack of potatoes. The arm snapped off in her grip, and she cried out with shock! She tossed it away, shaken by how easily it had snapped in her hands.

She took a step back, and nearly fell into the arms of four more ninjas. She looked up, putting up her arms again to protect her face. Too many, too close! The one nearest her whirled a pair of nunchaku, and she heard the first swish of the flail whoosh past her ear. She backpedaled as fast as she could. One hit would break her arms!

She tripped, feeling something heavy and solid connect with her ankles. She fell backwards into the sand, air escaping her lungs with a pained grunt. The shock tore coughing from her lungs, dust and damage from the weeks before clamoring for her air with a vengeance. She couldn't catch any breath!

She looked up, the oil-soaked machine stood above her with glowing red in its eyes.

It lifted its weapon, whirling length of chain and hardened nylon ready to come down on her exposed skull. She flinched, bracing for what she knew would be one last blinding flash.

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