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You recall Meiza being different when you were little and serving him from a young age. He was almost the opposite of what he is now. he was amiable to the servants of his people, but something within him began to change when [Y/N] - his maid - someone whom Meiza kept close to, made constant stupid mistake of escaping his grasp. What for? Well, it was reasons kept close to the maid herself.

Meiza, with his noble status and wealth, was not used to being turned down by anyone. And yet, you dared to do just that. To him, it felt like a personal affront that you had eluded his grasp, no matter the cost to yourself. He was filled with a deep anger and frustration that he couldn't explain.

Meiza didn't know why he was so affected, so angered by your pathetic little escape. His gaze was unfocused. His fists were brandished in crimson red.

The place was a mess, and the servants were bloodied and battered and bruised. Meiza breathed in restrained rage.

You're just a maid, someone he can easily dispose of - get rid of even!

As a noble, he could've replaced you in a blink of an eye. However for some odd reason.. he never truly did. Even though he had the power and the resources to replace you, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had lost something precious when you slipped away. The thought of what could have been with you filled him with a deep sense of loss.

You turn to see Meiza, a man in a noble's robes, standing a few steps away. His eyes burn with rage, and his fists are clenched in a tight grip. A red stain drips from the corner of his mouth, and when he takes a step toward you, his eyes are filled with hatred.

"Pathetic," he sneers. "I should've known you'd never be anything more than a servant. Why did I ever bother saving you?"

As he approaches, you can see that the servants you had hidden behind are motionless on the floor, their eyes staring blankly upward. The blood spilling from their wounds mixes with the red stain on his lips. He reaches out to grab you, his hands are shaking with rage, and you're quite sure that he's definitely going to kill you.

i'm definitely going to die .... shit

As you stand there, your eyes wide with fear, your head conspiring with thoughts as the seconds count when he approaches you, his eyes are blazing and imprinted with anger. He continues to stare daggers at you.

Without warning, he grabs you by the collar, almost choking you with his strength. What made it worse for you was the fact that his grip was tightening!

The fabric of your shirt strained under the pressure of his grasp, and to your dismay, he only pulled you closer. His face was just mere inches from yours, and you could smell the anger and hatred in his breath.

You felt like you were on the verge of passing out from the pressure, and you could see that Meiza's face was increasingly contorting with rage, his expression filled with nothing but pure contempt.

"You pathetic creature," he spouts, his voice was low and menacing.

Oh how weak his voice made you feel!

shit I shouldn't be thinking this right now, i'm going to die!!!

"You don't know your place. You could have been replaced in a blink of an eye." His nostrils flare as he leans in close to your face. "I should have cut your legs off."

His hand had begun to once again tighten around your collar, his strength was almost impossible to break. He lifted your pathetic body off the ground, you weighed almost nothing in his grip that was so strong that it felt like he was strangling you. You pathetically tried to squirm free, but he holds you firmly, his grip was like pure iron.

Pathetic little Fool -  Yandere Noble x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now