I - You're A Bad Girl

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"You still haven't knelt down." His voice was as cold as ever, but there was still a tint of amusement. It left a bitter taste in her mouth.

"Knee...." He had ordered again, but his order was interrupted by a faint sob that escaped her rosy lips.

She tried to force her body to comply, to kneel before him, to kneel before Meiza, but it was as if her limbs had a life of their own. The more she tried to make her body move, the more it resisted, and the more she sobbed.

"Why?" she cried out, her voice shaking with desperation and languor. "Why do you make me do this?"

For a moment, it looked as if there was a glimmer - a faint molecule of something that almost resembled pity and remorse in his dark, brooding eyes. But then that very moment passed, and that same cold look returned to adorn his face.

"Because I enjoy it," he replies, his voice low and husky. "I enjoy making you suffer. It's what gives me pleasure."

Her heart sinks as if reality had hit her with full force. Meiza was not the kind and loving master she had once thought of him as.


He was a twisted and cruel tyrant who thrived on making the powerless suffer.

And in that moment, she realised that kneeling would be the ultimate symbol of her defeat and submission. She can't do it. Not to someone like him.

Not to someone like Meiza.

She falls silent, the sobs gradually turning into quiet, racking gasps as she struggles to control her breathing. But she refused to kneel. He could torture and hurt her, but she won't submit. She won't give him the satisfaction.

He continues to gaze down at her, his eyes devoid of any emotion or sympathy. She could see the anger boiling within him, and she steeled herself for whatever punishment he might have in mind.

But then, suddenly, he breaks out into a burst of laughter, an eerily similar sound to that of a wild beast. It fills the room, echoing off the walls and bouncing back at her.

"You're a feisty one, aren't you?" he snarls, his lips curling into a gruesome smile. "I like that. It just makes the breaking of you that much more satisfying."


"I'm not kneeling to you," [Y/N] responds; she could feel her heart pounding so hard that it seemed like it would come out at any moment. She was breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath, but the fear was still very much present, like a tangible thing suffocating her.

The fear of what he might do next made her legs shake, and she longed to run, but she knew she couldn't. Not unless she wanted to be punished.

Still, [Y/N], being the stubborn little servant she was, couldn't bring herself to kneel. She had pride, and she wouldn't let him take that from her, too.

"Why should I?" she asks, trying to keep her voice steady.

Meiza chuckles. It was a low, cruel sound that chilled her to the bone. "Because I said so," he replies, his eyes glinting.


As Meiza's gaze fixed upon her and his cold voice ordered her to kneel, the servant felt a chill run down her spine. His voice was like a whip, and she had no choice but to obey.

The fear was too great, and Meiza was too powerful. Her eyes widened with fear, and her heart raced in her chest. She knew obedience was expected of her, but the thought of submitting to her cruel master filled her with loathing.

She looks up at him, her eyes filled with fear and apprehension. She couldn't bring herself to kneel, not before this man who had taken everything away from her and left her with nothing.

Pathetic little Fool -  Yandere Noble x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now