VIIII - You're Kinda Petty For A Noble..

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"I am nothing like that!" she exclaimed, trembling.

She felt like she would scream, to rage against his words and make him pay for what he'd just said. But even as she felt the anger swelling, she felt a sense of sadness and disappointment. How could he say such things about her? How could he have such a low opinion of her? Especially after sincerely apologising?

"Do you think so little of me?" [Y/N]  said softly, her voice choked with emotion. "Do you really think I'm nothing more than a common whore?"

The noble's eyes narrowed as he looked at her, still clearly angry but perhaps seeing the hurt and pain in her eyes. "How can you expect me to think otherwise?" His voice was still sharp. "You've run away before, and you're doing it again now. You've given me nothing to prove otherwise - not even a reason."

She shook her head, looking away from him so he couldn't see how much his words hurt her. "What do you want from me?" she said bitterly. "What do you expect me to do to be worthy of your approval?"

"I expect you to behave like a lady," the noble said, his voice softening slightly. "Act with some decorum and not run off like some rebellious child whenever you're upset."

"And what about you?" she said, her voice steady. "What kind of gentleman calls a woman such vile names and makes hurtful accusations? Is that what you consider acceptable behaviour?"

Meiza's eyes narrowed in response, and his black eyes glared down at you. His gaze weighed heavily upon your shoulders.

The air between you two grew thick and stifling, so much so that it almost felt as though the slightest movement would cause the entire world to come crashing down upon you. His silence spoke volumes, and the weight of it weighed heavily upon the both of you.

For a brief moment, all that existed was the tension between you two, a tension so palpable that it felt as though it could be sliced with a sharp blade.

Suddenly, Meiza let go of her wrists and towered over her. His eyes widened as he let out an angry hiss.

"You dare question me?" His words were sharp and cutting, his voice almost shaking with a mixture of anger and disdain.

"Did I not just lash you for your childish behaviour? Do you have no respect for your betters?" He stepped closer to you, his hand clenched into a fist at his side.

"I could have you beaten to death for daring to talk back," he continued, his voice growing louder. "But instead, I show the slightest bit of leniency. I give the slightest shred of grace." His words were tinged with a slight hint of bitterness, as though he felt almost resentful of his small act of kindness.

"You've been given so many chances. Why haven't you learned anything?" He hissed at you. His eyes were tightened further as he stared [Y/N] down. For a moment, it feels as though you were staring into the very depths of his soul, into the deep, dark wells of his anger and rage.

And yet, despite the heaviness of the air around you two, there is still a sense of uncertainty—a slight flicker of something that might have once been kindness or perhaps even a hint of regret.

"I've had enough of you and your antics," he said, his voice sounding low and perilous.

"Get out and go to your chambers, or I will incapacitate you." He grew silent before continuing

"Nor do I wish to see your face again." His voice resounded through the room.

[Y/N] knew she had overstepped her limit. She grew too comfortable with her liege, for his tone had indicated that he was deeply displeased with her and her actions.

Or was he just pissed at himself for his earlier reckless behaviour and decided to take it out on you?

You had no choice but to obey his command.

She started to walk towards the door, but Meiza's words rang in your ears like a death knell. It did not help [Y/N's] case, having her back writhe in pain as she walked out.

Her legs weakened, and she stumbled, but Meiza showed no compassion.

He didn't care.

He simply watched you, like a wolf watching its prey.

With trembling hands, [Y/N] turned and walked down the hallway to her chambers. The sound of her footsteps echoing in the empty halls seemed to mock her.

This is hell, but you're lucky you're alive, and your legs are intact, even if.. even if your back is pretty much laced with welts.


As the days and weeks passed, your back slowly began to heal from the lash marks and welts that had once marred your skin.

He had clarified that he didn't want to see her face.

If she were spotted in the hallway or outside her assigned room, he would order her back, even if she was in the middle of a task.

However, you did not see this as a punishment - quite the opposite, actually. It was a blessing in disguise, for you did not want to meet his gaze ever again.

She knew that if she were face-to-face with him, she would break down and cry. She would show weakness and despair, and the nobleman would see her for who she was: a worthless maidservant, good for nothing but for cleaning and serving him and his every whim.

Though that's hardly surprising.

Your very presence was a reminder of your previous misdeeds, and he had made a point of assigning you to the most menial of tasks.

Your schedule was filled to the brim with work, each day more exhausting than the last, and your work schedule seemed to grow more daunting with each passing hour.

But you were sure that Meiza had assigned so many tasks to you as a petty punishment.

Because Meiza was the very definition of petty.

And so you worked silently, your back turned to him and the world around you.

You scrubbed the floors diligently, swept the hallways, and polished the furniture until your fingers bled, all the while thinking of the night that had brought you here.

She remembered his voice and the way his gaze bore into hers. She remembered the way he spoke to her, the way he threatened to have her beaten for her insolence. She remembered the way he had lashed her until she bled.

But most of all, she remembered his words: "Get out and go to your chamber. I do not wish to see your face again."

A/N:- Sorry !! i didn't want to end the story so easily ...

Pathetic little Fool -  Yandere Noble x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now