XI - You're Not THAT Beautiful...

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The gash on her cheek still bled softly, the small trickle of blood a constant reminder of what just transpired between you and Meiza. Despite the pain and the fear, she found herself strangely... fascinated by it. It's as if the blood represents a connection between you and him, a physical representation of the emotional roller coaster you've just undergone.

He watched as she touched ever so softly the cut on her cheek like it was some strange, beautiful work of art.

Then, he reached out and pressed his finger gently against the wound. She felt her heart flutter as he touched her, and you were both drawn in by the forbidden intimacy of the moment.

The warmth of his finger against her skin was almost more than she could take, and she had to remind herself to breathe.

He watched you for a moment longer before sighing and withdrawing his hand away from your cheek and instead curling around your arm.

He's so close you can feel his breath on your neck, and your body is on alert, ready for him to make another move. But he doesn't; he stays exactly where he is, his hand still curled around your arm.

She laid her head on the grass and gazed at the sky, trying to steady her nerves.

But obviously, Meiza couldn't keep quiet.

The quiet was suddenly broken by his voice, as low and gentle as a whisper. "You're so peaceful," he murmured, and she could feel the heat of his gaze on her. His words were sweet and genuine, yet his eyes filled with that same dead stare.

"And yet I am so enamoured by you," he continues, his voice growing even softer as he leaned in closer to her. "I do not understand why that is." His hand had shifted, now resting on her cheek. His touch felt neither rough nor forceful but relatively soft, almost gentle.

You sigh, knowing you can't answer his questions or ease his fears.

"You're asking the wrong person."

"You're very rude," he muttered. His frown deepened at your unhelpfulness, but you noticed the slight shift in his body. He was now lying right beside her, his arm curled around her back as he gazed down at her with those dead, void-like eyes. His voice was a whisper as if he was contemplating.

"I am supposed to be king, a nobleman... and yet I...I am obsessed with you. I don't know what draws me to you or why I'm so attached. You're just some ordinary girl who accidentally wandered into my life."

When Meiza made that disparaging comment about not knowing why you felt so important to him, your heart sank.

You thought you were finally getting through to him, even if it was in your unique way. But his words sting, and you could feel the familiar tightening of anger and hurt in your throat.

You open your mouth to reply with a sarcastic comment but then shut it again, not wanting to provoke him further.

"If you want the truth," he admits softly. "I myself am puzzled by what's so special about you."

"You're not beautiful, and yet I stare at your face every day. You're not witty, yet I crave for your company."

"Why are you so important to me?" he whispered, his voice low and sincere.

His words were definitely unexpected and confusing. She didn't understand how he looked at her, as if she was the most fascinating thing he had ever seen. She wanted to ask him why, to make him explain what he meant, but the words won't come out. She's not sure if she even wants to know.

Instead, she focuses on the fact that he doesn't seem to find her beautiful or witty. It's a blow to her ego for sure, but at the same time, there's also a sense of relief that he doesn't think highly of her. Maybe then their dynamic won't be as uneven as she's always expected it to be. Perhaps he'll treat her as a person instead of just a servant.

And yet, when he whispered the question, "Why are you so important to me?" her heart fluttered in her chest. There's a strange, unexpected sense of anticipation building within her, a desire to hear his answer but also a fear of what it might entail.

She watched his face closely, studying his features for any emotion, but he remained as stoic and unreadable as always.

The moment stretched on, their eyes locked together, and all she could hear was her heartbeat roaring in her ears.

Finally, he spoke again, his voice so quiet that she had to lean in closer to hear him.

"Your life is important to me," he tells you, almost as if trying to explain himself.

The man's audacity to speak such a blatant lie is almost laughable.

[Y/N] chuckled at his words, the sound of her mirth cutting through the tension. "You have a funny way of showing that," she said with a shrug. It was a bit ironic. Someone whose life was so important to him, yet he treated her like she was disposable.

"That's a bold statement for a servant to make about a king," he muttered, his eyes meeting hers.

"...Impertinent." There's a slight hint of disgust in his voice, as if he's taken offence to her boldness.

[Y/N] chuckled in response, a sense of amusement rising within her at his reaction. A slight frown tugged on his lips at her laugh, and she could tell he was not used to having someone speak out of turn in his presence.

"The punishment for someone speaking out of turn like you is usually death," he murmured, his voice low and calm, almost like he's sharing a secret with her. "And yet I keep my composure."

She can't help but smile at his words. "Why?" [Y/N] asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Why am I so important to you?"

He paused as if considering his answer. "Because I like you," he admitted, his voice softer now, almost gentle. "It's as simple as that."

She raised an eyebrow at his answer, the surprise evident on her face.

"That's it?" she says, her voice filled with disbelief. "After all this time, after everything that's happened between us, that's all there is to it?"

"Yes," he said, his voice low and intense now. "That's it. I can't explain it. There's no reasonable explanation for the way I feel about you."

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