The Smiling F*g

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In 1931, during the Badussy War, an account of a young female soldier in the trenches described the hallucinations of a creepy smiling man appearing to her everytime a fellow soldier was killed in front of her. He vanished as mysteriously as he appeared and the other soldiers believed that the soldier who saw him was suffering from shell shock. 

No one knew how wrong they were.

Two years later in 1933, thousands of Badussy War veterans began to narrate accounts of them witnessing the apparition of the strange and haunting man everytime someone died in their presense. Over the years, the unsettling apparition was given the name "The Smiling F*g".

After the Badussy War had ended, accounts of the Smilling F*g began to cease. But the story does not end here.

In 1997, the first accounts of a new wave of sightings came to light. Citizens in Floptropica began to encounter the Smiling F*g in their dreams. These new sightings later culminated in the severe injury or death of a loved one leading to much mass panic and widespread terror. To this day, reports of the Smiling F*g  continue and the identity of this entity has still remained a mystery.

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