Bojayna Island

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The Bojayna Island is an un-mapped territory off the western coast of Cupcakken in Floptropican waters. The reason the island is not on any official maps is because the Government of Floptropica has restricted access to the island completely due to the violent past and present dangers of the island. According to reliable sources the real reason for the Government banning travel there (poisonous animals and unsafe geology as the ministry of information once claimed) is because of the canibalistic Cult of Bojayna.

Since 1925, there have been stories of a group of people who decided to settle in a large uninhabited island off the Gulf of Cupcakken. They styled themselves Bojaynians and began the meitculous worship of an ancient deity known as Bojaynasty. In 1937 after a group of expeditioners went to to discover the native wildlife of the island, they never returned. People believe strongly that the Cult of Bojayna was repsonsible for their deaths and cannibalising the explorers. in 1952 to prevent any more incidents with the cult, the Government removed the island off all maps of Floptropica. Over 70 years on and know one is still certain whether or not the Cult of Bojayna is still alive today yet many people believe they are and are terrified at the thought of ever going to the island.

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