1 - Stray Kıds

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How long has it been? 5 years?
Yeah, that should be right.

5 years ago, one of the most succesful k-pop groups out there right now debuted.

Stray Kıds.

A boy group with seven members, under JYP Entertainment, who are currently shaking the industry with their talents and music.

Felix already knew when he heard MANIAC for the first time, that he would become a fan of the group.

And let’s just say their new album S-Class didn't really help him from falling for their charms.
It was just to amazing.

He couldn’t help himself.

Felix internally cursed himself.
He just got out off a very weird Twice phase and originally promised himself to distance himself a bit from k-pop.
In school he was already known as the weird korean dude, who was in love with older women he never met before.
Not like he really cared tho.
It has always been like that and now, just before the summer break and then his last year of  college he didn't really have the motivation to change his image again.
Just let them talk.

But still…it bothered him how he just went behind his own promise like that!
Especially since it hasn't even been a few weeks after he broke it.

But really it wasn't his fault!!!

He was just scolling through TikTok like every day.
And then suddenly this mouth watering edit of the group with their hit MANIAC startet playing…how could anyone resist that?!

Well…he admits that it maybe wasn't necessary to immediatly listen to the whole album afterwards…and the album before that…and the one before that…But what could he have done against it?

That's right…NOTHING!

He was completly entranced by their music…It was unique.
He never heard anything like that before. Honestly it was completly different from his usual music taste.

And still…something about it just captured him in all the best ways.

And then the music videos…oh god... he still feels the goosbumps he got after watching the MV of his beloved MANIAC for the very first time…

The dance, the visuals, the background, the props, the concept, the editing and effects…everything was just to perfect.

Even after watching it over ten Times he still saw new little details every time…it was amazing.

He was hooked…

He spent the rest of his evening, watching every music video they ever released…around five times each.
How come no one ever told him that these guys existed? They were amazing!

The next days after school he continued to watch everything the internet had to offer about them.
Of course he was no where close to done even after so many days.
These guys had A LOT of content. And whenever he felt he was getting closer to the end, something new popped up that he never saw before! Doesn't matter if it was a dance practice, an interview, a challenge, a performance, a vlog or something fanmade.
He tried to watch it all.
He felt himself getting a deja vu from the start off his Twice era. Feeling all happy and excited at the start of each new video he clicked on.

He already knew he was doomed...

But it got worse.


Well who would have thought that a single album could change everything up again?
Felix for sure didn't.

For two weeks now his after school activity revolved around Stray Kıds.  And by now he could proudly call himself a baby Stay!
Maybe even a real Stay!
And as such he of course knew about the new album release that day.
He was excited to say the least.

And he had every right to.
It was phenomenal.
Hearing the music and watching everything related to it…

He was happy. So unbelievable happy. 

He himself didn't understand why.

How could music, and people he never met before make him feel so much joy? Not even during his twice era did he ever feel like this…

In that moment one thing became clear for him.

He will STAY.

That was two month ago...


That was chapter one!

Ahhh i had so much fun writing this so i hope you enjoy reading it aswell!

I will try to upload regularly but since i am still in school.............
We've all been there T.T


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