5 - Dinner

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He needed a moment. Breath in. Breath out. Ok. It didn't really help but it was the only thing he could possibly do to calm himself right now. He could feel his mind clear up and rational thinking became easier again. He needs to go over it all again, before he jumps to conclusions.
Apparently He and his family are going to South Korea during his school break. Right now he doesn't know when, how long or where. His parents will tell him the rest later. During the Summer, Stray Kids are planning a small Tour in Korea to promote 'Maniac'. That was all the information he has. It definitely wasn't much. How embarrassing.
He just flipped out because of a tiny chance of a concert.
Luckily no one saw that...

"Kids! Dinner is ready!"

The moment he heard his mum mentioning dinner he was already on his way downstairs. Nothing tops food. Especially the food made by his parents. Both his mum and dad were amazing cooks and bakers.
So whenever both of them were home early, there sure would be a literal feast waiting on the table downstairs. Today was no exception. If anything, it looked even better than usual. Probably because of the news, Felix thought. Well he wasn't complaining. As he slowly moved to the kitchen table to sit down the rest of his family gathered around.
Once everyone was seated, they started eating while chatting about their day. His mum, his dad and his two sisters. Everyone he deeply cared about, sitting at one table and joking around.
How could Felix be anything else than happy?

The food was gone pretty quickly. Not really a surprise if you live together with four other people, who love eating just as much as you do. Felix sighed. A bit disappointed that their little family time was already over but even more that all the yummy food was gone without any leftovers. He and Olivia were just about to stand up when his dad cleared his throat unusually loud. Confused Felix looked back at him.

Oh right.
He forgot.

If he was alone in his room right now he would have literally face palmed himself over his stupidity.

How did he manage to forget the one thing that has occupied his mind the whole afternoon?
The reason he couldn't concentrate on his homework, take a nap or even watch another episode of his favorite series without his mind going places. It must have been the smell of the food. God dammit.
One clear glance at his fathers eyes just confirmed his thoughts. It was time. Finally. He quickly sat back down, while Olivia still locked confused. Now looking from one to the other, slowly following Felix movements and sitting back down again as well.
"What's going on here?" she asked. With how suspicious she looked, others would have thought they were playing a murder mystery and she was the detective. Looking everyone up and down to find even the slightest clue about what happened.

Even their dad grew visibly uncomfortable under his daughters piercing eyes. "Ehem" he cleared his throat again. This time not because of attention but because of his nerves. "Your mum and I have something to tell you." Wow, Felix thought. That's one way to start this conversation. It sounded just like the time their parents announced that Felix and Rachel would be getting another sibling. Of course Olivia wouldn't know since she's the youngest, but by the tone of his dads voice he wouldn't be surprised if these were his next words. "During the summer holidays...we will be visiting the family in Korea."

Felix let his eyes wander the table. His dad and mum grinning from one ear to another, Rachel having that typical knowing smile on her face and then there was Olivia. Staring at their dad like he just proved that aliens exist. Mouth and eyes wide open. Ahh...how he wished to have his phone with him right now to capture this amazing moment forever. To bad he left it upstairs.
His sisters expression was just to good. He couldn't help himself but start to smile. One look at Rachel and he could see that she was having an equally hard time holding her laughter.
"We will do what!?"
Olivia has sprung up from her seat, smiling from one ear to the other. Felix snapped. He just couldn't suppress his laughter anymore. His sisters reaction was truly priceless. Soon the whole table was laughing their ass of, while Olivia was still standing there, looking gradually more excited. "You guys knew?" she now asked Rachel and Felix.
"Dad couldn't keep his mouth shut." was his only reply. Knowing their dad, Olivia immediately understood. Acknowledging that their dad will never be able to get rid of this personal trait. She slowly sat back down, still having that blinding smile on her face. "Are you happy, dear?" their mum asked. "Is that even a question? Of course I am! You know that I always wanted to visit Korea and to meet the family there. But you guys always told me that we will do it when all of us are adults so I was just a bit surprised..."
That's true. Although Felix himself just turned 20 a few month ago his sister was still a teen even if she thought of herself as an adult. "That's right dad. Why are we going now? And so suddenly? "
THE question that's been bothering him the whole time.

"Well..." their dad started "to be honest, your grandmother is not doing so well. It's nothing to serious don't worry, but when I talked to her on the phone this morning we decided that it's about time we all see each other again. She wants to see her grandchildren while she is still able to walk and participate in fun activities. It's not supposed to be a last meet or something, but probably the last visit that everyone can truly enjoy. She also wants to tell you a lot about our family and their history, as well as Korea. So you guys never forget where your family is from. She really misses us all. The rest of the family as well." After his little speech was over he looked down at the table with a sad look. Who could blame the poor guy for getting homesick while he talks about his ill mother, who he hasn't seen in a long time? Trying to lighten the sudden heavy mood, their mum started speaking. "As your father already said, we just want to see each other again while all of us are still able to enjoy our time in this beautiful country. And of course we also knew how much you guys wanted to go. It's also supposed to be a vocation. So lots of opportunities to spent time with our little family as well."

She's right. Felix isn't sure when they will be able to spend time like that, as a family again.
Through Rachel is still single, technically she could move out anytime and start her own life, with family and career. Felix himself was also already an adult. Yes he still went to college, but if he wanted to he could also move anywhere, anytime. The only one still officially bound to their parents was Olivia. And even she was old enough to say that she didn't want to travel with them anymore. Not like any of them would ever do that though. They valued their family way to much for that. But still...you never know what the future holds or what will change in the next year. He doesn't want to take the risk.

"When exactly will we fly and how long do we stay?" He asked next without really realizing how his eyes sparkled in expectation. "Oh, me and your dad thought it would be best if we spent the whole summer break over there. It's a long way and like that we have enough time to relax and do some stuff as well. Your grandma would also prefer this." his mum replied. "But Felix darling...why are you looking at me like that? What's with all the sparkles in your eyes?" she chuckled.
"Me? Oh no nothing. Everything is amazing. Now if you excuse me...I still have a lot of homework to do. Thanks for the food. It was amazing. See you."

"What just happened, dear?"

"I have no idea either."


Do you believe me when I say that I finished this chapter weeks ago and just forgot to post it? T.T

I will remember it next time and not keep you waiting so long...

Still THANK YOU for reading my story and showing so much support! It makes me so happy to see that you like what I write here!


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