7 - Day In The Life

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Hyunjin was exhausted.

Tried, stressed, annoyed and busy.

And he wouldn't be able to catch a break so soon.
He sighed.
He himself chose this fate.
His life as an idol.

And under no condition was he regretting it. Trying out at the company after being scouted on the street was the best decision he ever made.
Or at least one of them.

But right now, as he was sitting in their tour bus on the way to their next event location, he couldn't help but think about a normal office job or continued studies.

All the other six members were asleep.
Chan in the front next to their manager who had his Ear pods in.
Behind them was Seungmin with his head resting on the window while Minhos continued to fall to the front.
He could already hear him complaining about his sore neck once he woke up.
Behind him were Jisung and Changbin with their heads resting on top of each other while Changin was slightly snoring. Next to Hyunjin was Joengin whose head was resting to the opposite direction.
All of them had huge eye bags, just like himself.

Of course by now they were somewhat used to the hectic schedule of an idol, but especially during tour it got especially harsh. They were either rehearsing, traveling or performing.
Sleep wasn't included. Too bad.

He sighed and looked out the window.
He should also definitely try to close his eyes for the last few hours till they arrive.

The location was so beautiful.

Their own dressing rooms almost looked like hotel suits and even the backstage was way more fancy than anything he had ever seen.

But probably the most beautiful thing out of all, was the knowledge that they will fill this entire stadium with their STAYs.
Around 15.000 tickets were sold out just for the first night.
In total they would have two concerts in the big location and a few more in smaller ones a bit farther away.
Each and every concert was already sold out after a few days.

So many people wanted to see them.

Wanted to see him.

He'll take the exhaustion tenfold if it means to experience such support and love constantly.
Who know, in the future maybe even from a special person?


He wasn't supposed to think about that. Already the slightest thought in that direction resulted in a moody Hyunjin. And recently he was painfully aware of it.

It didn't exactly help that recently two members have found exactly that person and now can't seem to show enough love to each other every time they aren't in public.
So basically speaking, at home in the dorms.
Hyunjins safe place.

Without a doubt he is happy for the two crackhead, but he honestly doesn't want to see them kissing every time he leaves his room.

Reason Nr. 1: Disgust
Reason Nr. 2: He is lonely and single af.

Both very understandable circumstances.
He's an idol after all.
He was supposed to only concentrate on his music and art.
And honestly he somehow agreed to whoever made that stupid rule.
How was he supposed to deliver the best performance possible to his fans if he didn't spend every single free moment practicing?

Yeah call him stupid, but if you're constantly busy, missing something that isn't even there, that would require even more time is really unlikely.

"Hyung?" he suddenly sees two Fingers snapping in front of his eyes.
"You ok?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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