4 - To Korea?

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He just stood there.

What did his dad just say?
To Korea?
In the summer?
Didn't something bad happen? What's with the call?
And the family?
Is that the reason he was so quiet?

He snapped out of his trance when he heard a smack.
On the face of his dad he could see a pained smile while his mum looked at him slightly angry.
Ah. There we go again.
She smacked him. Now the only question was: Why did she do it? “You Dummy. Didn't we just agree that we will wait for both of them to come home and tell them together?” So that's what it is about. His dad blabbed again. So just the usual.
He was really bad at keeping anything to himself, which honestly was the main reason Felix got so worried. If his dad didn't say anything to his mum about the call, although he would normally even tell her how many minutes he talked to which person at work, it could only be the worst.
No. Probably even worse then that.

“Ah…right…sorry about that honey…” Felix dad finally said while giving it his all to make a cute puppy face to calm his angry wife.
It was seriously hilarious and frightening  to watch.
He was really bad at it.
Instead of a puppy it looked more like a frog with big eyes and thick lips. The longer he looked at his dad, the more embarrassed Felix felt for him. His mum seemed to have the same thoughts, since after a minute or so, she sighed and looked away.  “It’s fine I guess… not like we can change it now.” Right. The news. They were going to Korea.

He really couldn’t wrap his head around it. Why? During summer break they normally just visit different cities in Australia and chill at the beach all day.
It’s not like they’ve never travelled out of country before. Just not there. In the last few years,  his dad, of course, sometimes visited his family. But alone. Why are suddenly all of them supposed to come? He wasn't complaining. Hell no. To Korea?
God knows how often he will have the chance for that in his short life. He was just confused.
It's so random…out of nowhere.

In the end, his dad kind of held his original promise. Although he already spilled the most important part of the news, he was actually able to keep the rest to himself, which probably wouldn't have been possible without Felix mums freighting stare.
He and his sisters will receive the remaining Information at the same time. That was her last statement. Felix wouldn't dare to say anything against her if she is this annoyed.
He still wanted to see the daylight tomorrow. His dad apparently too. And really, they didn't need two unconscious people in one household, since Olivia will probably pass out after hearing the news.
She really just loves Asia in general. So a vocation in Korea with the full ‘native’ experience will be a dream come true for her.

On the other hand, Felix was pretty sure that Rachel already knows.
If we just ignore the fact that she always knows everything anyways, which is very creepy, she left for work late today. In conclusion: She was probably the only person at home when their dad came back, since mum was in the office and Felix and Olivia were in school. There is no way Felix father didn't tell her.

After the accidently spilled news in the kitchen Felix just went upstairs, not wanting to witness his dad getting scolded even more.
He almost felt bad for leaving him alone, but he got into that situation himself. And honestly…he knows better than to stay with his mum when she is annoyed. Everything could trigger her to be mad at him instead. No, thank you.
Fleeing was the smarter decision.

Upstairs he set down his school back and…Just stood in his room. Looking around. Everything normal.
Of course, why would anything be different? Maybe it was because he had a unnecessarily stressful day, but he enjoyed the silence. It was somehow comforting to just stand still.
Looking around, he saw his bed that he forgot to do this morning.
His desk, which was overflowing with all kind of stuff that shouldn’t even be there. From this angle he even saw his favorite cap, that he has been searching for for weeks.
It truly was a mess.
His gaze continued, until it stopped at a small picture on his pin wall. Next to all his unfinished to-do lists, family pictures and his medals in taekwondo there was a small picture of seven boys grinning in the camera.
He couldn’t suppress a small smile.
It was the first picture he saw after googling ‘Manic’.
The first picture he saw of his seven angels. For him it was also the start of a new era in his life.

This reminded him…wasn't there supposed to be a new Stray Kıds reality show out today? Right.
How could he forget?

Felix quickly grabbed some of his already used clothes, lying on the ground, and went to change in the bathroom, while also removing the makeup on his face. At home he didn't need to hide anything.
He still remembers how his mum almost started to cry when he first started to cover up his freckles.
Even now, when she sees how much more happy and confident Felix is with them covered, she still doesn't like it. He knows that. You can see it in her eyes. But for his own sake he chooses to ignore it. He knows they would never share the same opinion on his face, so why argue?

Once done, he walks back into his room, grabs his Laptop and opens YouTube. Of course it is the first video recommended to him.

Not soon after he was sitting on his bed, giggling like a little girl over the joke Jisung just cracked. Nothing out of the ordinary.

The Video ended soon. Too soon for Felix liking but that’s just life. His Laptop started recommending him other videos he might like.
Of course it was all Stray Kıds or K-pop related.


K-pop as in Korean pop?
As in Korea!?

Felix could literally feel the gear wheels turning in his head. One point connecting to another.

Ping…He got it.

He was going to visit Korea in the Summer holidays.
The country where his favorite group is living.

Exciting of course, but in general nothing to special.
But this summer was different.

There was a tour planned.
In Korea.
During his holidays.


Hello guys!!!

Sorry for the very late update!

School has been killing me the last few days and i really didn't know how to write this filler chapter...
I don't really like how it turned out, but I can't keep you waiting any longer!


I love it so so much! What's your favorite song from the abum?


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