6 - Arrived

105 7 17

If the writing is like this, they are speaking Korean

It’s been some time after that conversation. The summer holidays are only a few days away now, and Felix is about to blow up with excitement. He already started packing a week ago.
Or maybe a few weeks ago…
Who keeps count anyway!
And he had a good reason anyway, so it doesn’t really matter.

A Stray Kids concert.

It still sounds so unbelievable that he will actually see his idols in real life, on stage, performing his favorite songs.

But let’s look back a few weeks.

After the finished conversation with his parents at the dinner table, he ran upstairs in his room and with no hesitation straight to his desk, where his laptop was already opened. Once Felix saw the official concert days , he audibly gasped. There were multiple concerts in his region during their stay in Korea.
Why were his eyes watering?
He really shouldn’t be so happy yet since he doesn’t even know if there are any tickets left…
Quickly, he wiped his eyes and searched for an online shop that sells the tickets, and once he found it, he couldn’t believe his luck.

The ticket sales would  open in  just a few days!

But as his eyes wandered down the website, they almost fell out.
It was common knowledge to every K-pop fan that the concerts of their favorite groups were extremely expensive…but not THAT expensive.

Sure, Felix had a small part-time job and didn’t have to worry about rent since he was still living with his parents, but he was still a college student. Studying was his main priority.

He was already glad that he was accepted as a part-timer in the small café around the corner and that the owner, which he luckily knows pretty well, was so understanding of his messed up time schedule. But of course, his pay was depending on his presence, and it was by no means a surprise that he wasn’t making that much.
Honestly, he was saving that for his own first car, but apparently, that had to wait.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and he will not just let that slide! In the end, he can just earn new money…and wait a few more years for his dream car…or something like that.

But let’s go back to the present.

It’s still so crazy to think about.
He jumped on his bed, giggling and kicking his feet like a high school girl who just talked to her first crush. After a few minutes of suffocating his pillow and messing up his previously tidy bed, he rolled on his back, staring at the ceiling and smiling like an idiot.

Right there, above his bed, he hung his newly purchased stray kids poster. All seven members were smiling down at him, and Felix could literally feel the motivation entering his body
A really nice feeling in his opinion.

If you have something you look forward to the days until then, somehow become way more bearable.
For him, at least.
His sister Olivia on the other hand, seemed even more stressed than before her final exams.

She started packing her suitcase even earlier then Felix and you could constantly see her running around with new clothes she wants to take, or hear her complaining about her baggage size.

Rachel and his parents were a lot calmer, but every time the trip was mentioned, you could feel the tension in the room getting thicker. They were excited.
No doubt.
Not that Felix could blame them at all.

He slowly got out of bed and started to work on his last few projects for the year. He doesn’t really want to do them during his trip and it’s not like he had something better to do.

A few days later…

It was the only word running in Felix mind like a broken record player. First of all it was way too early for him and second…where did he put all his stuff? In an hour he and his family were leaving for the airport and of course he had decided that he would do the final packing last minute.
How careless.
Because now he was standing in the middle of the room with an open suitcase and tons of clothing, accessories, hygiene products and other unnecessary stuff laying everywhere.

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