3 - A Call In The Night

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After the short greetings and a quick peek on the cheek of his mum, Felix went straight to the fridge.

Food in the morning is essential.

Even if he wasn't really hungry he knew best that he needed the energy if he didn't want to rely on coffee the whole day.
He hated coffee.
Way to bitter for his taste.
But even with his deep hatred...as a college Student he, of course, has also experienced the sleepless nights, where coffee, energy drinks and of course Stray Kıds music is the only thing keeping him awake and alive.

Recently he has been buying a lot of fruits like cucumbers or yogurt.
So as he opens the fridge he knows exactly what he wants and what he is 'allowed' to eat.
At least if you ask for his sisters opinion.
Because apparently there is specific food for everyone?
Felix didn't really get it, but he surely didn't want to fight with his sister, Olivia.
She is an angel but if the topic is food...He doesn't really want to remember the last time he accidently ate her last Pudding.

He grabs himself a strawberry yogurt and sits down next to his mother. "How was your sleep baby?" She asked, her eyes still glued to her phone.

"Not bad I guess? And yours?"
"Oh, mine was horrible."
"What? Why?"
"Your father got a call in the middle of the night. Apparently something happened back home in Korea."
"In Korea? We haven't heard from them in forever."
Olivia looked up. "I know right?"
she suddenly joined the conversation. "Finally someone who understands me. Why would they call dad? They know that he's the relative farthest away. That's so odd."
Felix nodded. Olivia was right.
It didn't make any sense for them to call his dad, instead of any other relative. South Korea and Australia are quite far away after all.
Plus Felix doesn't even remember the last time he saw them. It definitely was a long time ago.
Of course his dad still had contact with his family overseas but still...

His mom signed next to him.
"I am also not sure what it is about. Your father didn't want to say anything."
Now the whole thing has gotten even a weirder. Felix dad.
The most open and talkative person ever, didn't want to talk about it?

His thoughts were interrupted as his gaze fell on the clock...shit.
He was late.
Of course he was.
Although he desperately wanted to figure out what was up with his dad, he knew that skipping school wasn't an option. As an Asian child, good grades and zero missed classes are the absolute minimum.
Well his parents luckily weren't as strict.
But still.
He had to keep up his reputation as a nerd. Not that it bothered him.
In general, Felix didn't understand why people use the word 'nerd' as an insult...how is it insulting to tell someone they are good in school?

Society is strange.

He quickly got up from the table, put his used dishes in the sink, pecked his mums cheek and grabbed his bag to run around the house.
Normally he would just walk to school, but for the days that he was running late, what sadly happened quite often, he had a bike that he could use in the garage.
It was old and rusty, like it could fall apart any second now.
But it only looked like that!
And it was still very well usable.
At least that's what he told himself... but hey, as long as it looks like shit no one else wants to have it.
So at least, he won't have to worry about it getting stolen.
Felix slowly got it out of the garage,careful so that the thing wouldn't fall apart without him even on top of it.

Once finally on the bike, he made his way to school.
Painfully slow that is.
But still, he somehow managed to arrive before the bell rang.
Of course he wouldn't have made it without the last sprint to the classroom, which left him all sweaty and sticky at the start of the day.
Just his kind off luck.

School was boring.

Nothing new but today it seemed especially long and dragging.
Maybe it was because he desperately wanted to know what was up with his dad?

Or maybe it was because today was one of the days where he feels especially lonely? Sitting alone at lunch, in the classroom...all while looking at the other friend groups of cheerleaders and basketball players laughing together...having fun with friends...discussing their next hang out...

No way! He was just overthinking it. He was sure it was because of point one. His dad. And his dads family. And Korea. And the anxiety that slowly started to creep up on him.

What if something happened?

He may not remember them very well, but they are still family.
To him at least.
The stories of his grandparents and dad were enough for him to know they are good people.

After school, he couldn't get home fast enough. Doesn't matter that his bike almost fell apart five times.
As long as he didn't fall nothing could stop him.
He knew that his dad would be home by now.
He always is.
And now that this mysterious phone call and his weird behavior have already occupied his mind for the whole day, while ruining his mood in the process, Felix at least wants an explanation.

If possible, right now!

Back home he swung himself of the bike, put it back in the garage with a lot of unpleasant sounds, which led him to make an inner note to himself not to use it in the next few weeks, and ran inside.

Seeing his parents sitting at the kitchen table, he couldn't believe his luck! Finally he will get answers and his mind will shut up!

Hearing the front door open his parents both turned to him with beaming smiles.
Felix felt himself getting blind just looking at their happy expression.
Something was up.
Looked like it was good news.
He sighed and looked up at his dad with a questioning look and anticipation.

"Welcome back home son!
Guess what?
We will go to Korea during the summer holidays!"


Puh...finally done!

I am very sorry for my kinda late update?

I just really didn't know how to write this chapter...
I don't like how it turned out but I didn't wnt to keep you waiting for too long.

I still hope you like it! If you see any mistakes or have ideas or suggestions, please tell me!:D
Hope you have a wonderful day!♡

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