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Genya's voice was choked as he spoke.

"I can't take this anymore... Muichiro I have to tell you something and it's gonna sound crazy but-"

"I know."

The words came out quicker than he had thought of them, like a reflex.

"I remember."

Tears pricked at the corners of Genya's eyes.

"You do?"

Muichiro nodded.

"Everything that happened, I'm so sorry."

"For what?" Muichiro asked plainly, as though he were talking about the weather.

"For everything I said, for not being able to love you properly, for not....... For not being able to save you."

"That's not your fault. If anything, I should have been the one to save you."

"But what I said-"

"I started it when I was yelling about your brother. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be me."

Genya wrapped his arms around Muichiro, tear sliding down his cheek like a raindrop on a window.

Muichiro dropped his head onto the older boy's shoulder. It felt nice to hug him again.

It felt really nice.

"Can I kiss you?"

Genya asked, voice low.

Muichiro smiled.


When their lips met it was like the stars colliding.

The world seemed to still.

Genya pressed Muichiro against the wall, not wanting to let go of him.

Maybe if he held him like this forever he would never lose him again.

To any stranger, they would have seemed like two normal teenagers and some young love, but they were so much more than that.

They were soulmates, destined for each other.

They were souls that had traveled the void just to find each other.

They were magnets. Always would they come back to each other.

Their kiss ended, but they seemed to hold each other for eternity.

Finally, Genya was no longer afraid.

"I love you."

No more hiding away, no more fighting.

Just love.

They stared into each others eyes, lost in the void of each other.

Passion burned in the air like wildfires.

Genya ran his hands through Muichiro's hair, and they both ignored as bottles fell off the shelves and clattered to the floor.

No one would be walking the halls right now, they wouldn't be found.

Hand in hand they slipped out into the hall, walking along in silence.

There was something so beautiful about the quiet empty halls.

Very soon they would be filled with noise again, but right now it was just them.

As they stepped outside, Muichiro wondered how he would ever be able to walk back in.

Dust covered love |Genmui|Where stories live. Discover now