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Authors Notes: 

Just letting you guys know, This Chapter is pretty heavy.

You have been warned. 


Muichiro stepped through the door timidly.

He knew Yuichiro would be angry. He always was.

Nothing would prepare him for the sight of his twin brother holding his head in his hands crying.

Yuichiro never cried.


Yuichiro looked up, his cheeks stained with tears.

Relief flooded his face as he rushed forward, wrapping the younger in a massive hug.

"I'm sorry Yui..., I'm really sorry"

"You should be!"

Yuichiro snapped, separating himself from his twin.

"Why would you ever do something as stupid as that!? I knew that dude was a bad influence!"

"It's not his fault!" Muichiro cried out. His problems had nothing to do with Genya.

"It's all mine! Don't blame it on him!"

"You're not hanging out with him anymore Muichiro. He's nothing but trouble, even if this wasn't his fault."

Yuichiro stated sternly.



Muichiro's face grew angry.

"He's not a bad influence and you can't just ban me from seeing him!"

"I can and I will!"

"You're not in charge of me!"

Muichiro turned and stormed into his room, slamming the door shut.

He hated Yuichiro acting like he was in charge. They were twins for fucks sake. Just because Yuichiro was like two minutes older didn't give him the right to baby Muichiro.

But unfortunately, ever since their parents died, that's all he had done. Immediately after the accident Yuichiro took charge and practically assumed the role of parent. He meant well, Muichiro knew that, but it still infuriated him. If either of them should have been in charge, it should have been Muichiro considering he was a higher grade level in school.

But somehow, Muichiro had always understood that he may have been the more intelligent, he was definitely not the more mature of the two.

Muichiro was clumsy. He daydreamed way too often. He forgot things all the time.

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