chapter 1

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narrator point of view 

As a flock of birds fly by, we see an apartment building where there are sounds coming from one apartment, but they aren't sounds of joy.???,"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN HIS QUIRKLESS INKO!!!". Inko,"what I mean Hisashi is that our son doesn't have a quirk, but we can still raise our boy just the same way with or without a quirk." Hisashi," that thing isn't my child because my child would have a quirk not be a waste of flesh like him, so I will give you one choice leave him on the streets and we can start over with a new kid." as Inko heard this she felt nothing but betrayal and disappointment, but she had to stop and run the words in her head again  because there is no way that she heard such word come from the man she loved and vowed to stay by his and their child's side no matter what.

Inkos point of view   

'Oh my god did he really just say that!  about my baby boy his own son just because his Quirk less' "go pack your things and go, my son means more to me then something like a quirk, because when I gave birth to him, I made a promise to myself that I would be there for him unlike my father." 'But when I was about to go sit down on the couch, I thought I heard small footsteps but maybe not as Hisashi started to stomp to our room to get his things I began to hope that Izuku is still watch that all might video with his headphones on with the volume on high.' "Just so you know Inko I will send money not because I support this but so you won't sue me in court for child support." said an angry Hisashi with smoke coming out of his mouth as he went, he slammed the front door shut with all his strength I hear a thump,crack at the front door I began to think, the only thing at the front door is our photos, before I could think I got up and moved to the door where the photos are but as I looked I saw the family photo of Hisashi, Izuku, and me. on the floor with the frame on its back and the glass broken but as I looked at the mesh, I felt my eyes water and my vision get hazy. 'Dammit why did it happen like this why did I fail my son, stop it Inko you have to get it together because Izuku will need you now more than ever before I just hope Katsuki can help Izuku when his at school but at home I can try to make him happy so maybe he can work in a normal job but I would need to be looking at how well the quirk less fair.' As I begun to whip my eyes of the tears a pick up the glass and frame, snuffle, as I hear that I go to check on it but then I think, 'Izuku might of heard us', but as I got to him I see my little ball of sunshine with his knees to his chest and his head facing away from me then he asked me a question that broke my heart and made me loathe Hisashi even more now "Is it really all my fault that daddy hates me and that his going away?" asked as he is trying to hold back his tears "No baby, it's not your fault that daddy left he just couldn't take the responsibility to be a grown up." as I said that the next question that Izuku asked was one that shocked me" will you leave me to when it gets too hard?" asked a very emotional unstable Izuku "no I will never leave you I will always be by your side just like a mom should be, and besides who's going to fix katsu don the way you like?" 'Maybe this can get him back to the happy smile that he always has?' "Okay mommy but can I be a hero like all might without a quirk?" asked Izuku with a small smile with tears in his eyes. "I don't know baby, but I will try to help you as best I can." 'Well, I guess the best then I can do is try and help him because if I had said anything else it might have broken him here and now'.  

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