chapter 3

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Narrators point of view 

A few months later after the email and finding the account with a small chunk of money that has been help paying the bills. But the longer this is going on the bulling and discrimination from the school is getting worse because Izuku is coming home with more buses and close to scars on his body and with more stress to. but with the society acted around him he is getting more darker thoughts, and those thoughts aren't about him but others, but his mother helps curve that into something help full like his hero analysis notebook yes, they do get a bit more brutal now more than they were in the past but that just happens and his mother Inko is finding ways to spend more time with Izuku so she doesn't hear on the news that he butchered Bakugo and anyone that hurt him or pissed him off but that was getting hard to do but she has her on problems that are starting to get to her slowly like hearing the whispers about her because of her son is quirk less. then there is the way her male coworkers look at her and then there was this one that thought he was the thing because he grabbed her ass and left it when she asked for him to remove that hand. but when he didn't then make a comment about her then her son well. the saying fuck around and find out was used very latterly but many of the women supported her because the guy was really an asshole. but with that stated our gaze is token to one ash blond teen who is in his room reading a romance manga on his bed. 

Bakugo's point of view 

'with all of the things that shitty nerd been though he still thinks he can be a hero that can surpass me? who does that shitty Deku think he is thinking his better thing me.' and with that thinking there is a sound of footstep's in the hallway that is getting close to my door." hey brat have you done your homework yet or are you just slacking off in their or jerking-!""my homework is already done you old hag, so you better not finish that last bit hag!" "The first was said by Mitsuki Bakugo that was replied by him. "Stop yelling and get ready for dinner and remember that in a few weeks I got to work late as well as your father to so be ready to eat by yourself for one night and that doesn't mean you can burn down the house because the stove might get a bit funky!"" alright you, old hag just gets off my back about that it was one time nothing more nothing less." said Bakugo with a face that is red as a red bell paper but with the embracement to die right then and their hoping to combust in flames.

 narrators' point of view 

And with that his mother went back to the leaving room to watch the tv. " Fucking hell what the hell is with the group of cults in Russia, and why do most of them talk about some guy named sparda ? sounds like some shit from an old video game. " Said Mitsuki with some question about the minds of some people that do that. and a few moments later she hears her husband walking to sit by her on the couch and placed a genital hand on hers and share a quiet and pleasant moment together. " Hey old hag, I'm going out I'll be back so don't make a new brat while I'm gone got it!" said Katsuki with less bite to it and more sass than real anger and a small smile was on his face and then slammed the door shut just to piss of his mother and father. " Good Damit Katsuki if slam that door again I will throw out one of your romance books! "Said Mitsuki more pissed about the slam of the door than anything else. and yet later down the street an ash blond that "accidently" walks by a dildo/S&M shop that is supported by the R-rated hero midnight. 

Bakugo points of view

' Why the fuck did I walk by here just need to walk on and not look, holy shit is that the Moby huge how the fuck did they even get that in there and no just keep on walking.' and along the way there he sees a bit of green hair and knows that it can only be one person that he knows. 'Why the fuck is Deku doing here and what is he doing here?' as that was thought he began to follow him and wondering how and what is Izuku doing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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