(iii) Trial

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The small alley in the outskirts Delhi City have horror movie charm with smokes & shadow and long deserted roads.

The door of private clinic is at the end corner of alley.Aakash let himself stand outside the clinic gate with water bottle.

The door open and tall man with short raven hair looking in his thirties wearing military pants and black t-shirt sternly glare with his dark dangerous eyes at Aakash.

"I will get details of the dead person after matching perfect undamaged heart to records of dead people.Now you start talking about how you know me before I shoot you right here."

Aakash let himself smile at the familiarity of the man infront of him"Because Smoke mirror is blurred,Pathaan."

Pathaan signed then didn't hesitate to shoot at him,Aakash snorted not moving an inch and bullet went through grazing his shoulder.

Pathaan now have curious look"Hmm,Are you anyhow ex-"

Aakash shook his head "No,just a civilian."

Pathaan chuckle "Civilian don't know my greeting.And that code was favour to a dead man."he move closer and put the gun on his head.

Aakash stance become more relax.

"Who are you?" Pathaan was not asking,this time it was threat.

Aakash reply casually "Long lost friend of A8Z115"

Pathaan stiffened hearing the that was not he thought would be possible."Three days later you will get the details and background check of the dead person whose heart got you here will be at sunshine at night understand that code if you are what you are telling and by any chance I saw you again,next heart would be yours for me to dispose."

Aakash grin cheekily"Aye Aye Captain."

Few minutes later ,the same box was thrown on his face which he caught with someone else heart this time.

Aakash signed watching the door shut with unreadable look.


The doctor come out of ICU looking tired,Payal herself felt tired because she rather have been with her husband then here standing outside to wait for Arnav Singh Raizada health report.

She caught Anjali looking startled .

Doctor told them clearly "The blood loss was too much.We are transferring the blood."Then he asked sternly "Mrs Jha ,I told you that Mr ASR needs rest ,he is overworked and his diabetes report are not good enough then he is being accidentally falling.Are you looking for his death? "

Anjali Jha did look like she is being slapped."Kabir ,I told chotey -"

Payal saw doctor snarled at Anjali jha"Fucking excuses,I have been treating ASR last five years and all I hear is your excuses.Leave my hospital on your way when ASR will be again ready for your new tantrum I would gladly send him on your .Get Lost."

Anjali paled but gritting her teeth she shouted "You can't talk to me like this !"

Doctor Kabir snapped "Nurse call the security."

Payal never saw Anjali Jha so humiliated.She wanted to applaud this doctor.She inch closer to NK who look scared and whisper "Who is he ?"

NK seeming to understand her feeling reply"Nannav's personal doctor Kabir Singh ."

Payal still not understand why ASR is surrounded by a protective doctor.

Dr Kabir Singh turn his gaze to Aman Mathur who is standing far away from Raizadas."Mathur ,come to cabin there is new meds and other reports you need to know."

Aman Mathur look dead on his feet but still followed .

Payal saw none of Raizadas protesting,even her Father-in-law who came urgently with Dadi who seem still angry .

What the hell is wrong with this family? Payal thought then she look around for Khushi who still didn't come back from cafetaria to get water.


Khushi sat down at the corner of table in cafeteria blankly watching people who seem upset or sad.She hates hospital with passion because this made her feel like she is fifteen years old again with blood stain on her engagement dress.

Her hands do not have blood but she can feel the ghost of blood is dripping.

She pushed him just like he did. At that time all she felt is anger at his dismissal,his hatred towards her and everything he did is always for his Di.

Khushi love Arnav Singh Raizada because she saw what he did for his Di and now all she felt is hatred for not being his first choice.

He never did felt sorry for tearing apart her self-respect and shattering her pride.

His prejudice against her status and his eyes filled with no trust is dead give away .

Khushi know she should leave when he did offer her freedom.But don't she know herself,all she will feel is wound that he given her.The suffocation he offer her .Leaving him can not make her heal.He have broken her and now all she wants to break him.

Right now she should feel happy that she finally hurt him just like he always did to her, leaving bruises on her arms and wrist always making her feel humiliated.

But why Khushi is feeling like she is the one who fell and is in pain.

"Khushi ji ,How are you?"the hated voice of a snake is not what Khushi wanted to hear right now.

She look up to see Shyam Manohar Jha leering at her.

"Unfortunately Saale Sahab is out of danger but don't worry I am here to give you my shoulder for you to cry.You would be sad after all you did pushed him ."Shyam smirked as Khushi felt shocked.

"How-"Khushi stop realising she almost admitted.She feel cold because in that office no one was there .

"No one move !Khushi Kumari Gupta stand up , don't you dare to move."

Khushi eyes widen watching police officer with two constable standing at the entrance of cafeteria.

She glared at Shyam "What did you do?"

Shyam give her evil smile "Khushi ji if you are not mine then you are not allowed to be someone else."he then waved at police officer"Sir please don't take Khushi ji !"he pleaded .

Khushi was met with Police officer stern glare.

"Miss Khushi Kumari Gupta,you are arrested under the evidence of murder charges against Mr Arnav Singh Raizada."Police officer told her before waving hand at female constable to take out  handcuffs for her .

Khushi too shocked what is happening to her to say anything.

Then she asked trying to not panicked "What evidence Sir ?"

Shyam interrupted "I am so sorry Khushi I just told Lavanya ji to send the CCTV footage inside Saale Sahab cabin to sent police because of hospital restrictions but I didn't know this will happen!"he look at her guilty and ashamed.

All Khushi wants to slapped this man .

She then step towards Shyam her hands which on table suddenly grab the fork and she didn't hesitate to stab it on Shyam Manohar Jha neck with adrenaline she had with all the fear and panicked before anyone could do anything.

"AHHHH"Shyam Manohar Jha screamed in pain as he fell against table .



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