(II) the Malik legacy

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Military barracks

General Virat watched the boy, the second prince of Malik family running on field under sun without stopping. The training of Kohinoor military is never for children. But this time the exception are made.

When he wanted to refuse to take boy under his command , It was Omkar Malik, himself came forward to request.

The matter of cutting the head of Singhania family son was already spread.

General Virat was shocked by the boy guts and when he saw no remorse in the eyes but cold rage . He know training the boy to be obedient is lost cause.

"General, permission to speak! "His right hand man, Ram Mathur asked.

General Virat nodded.

"Sir, Akshat will die. It's been fifteen hours and the boy did nothing but run and fall then get up to run again. "

General Virat agreed with assessment because no ten years old boy prince or not is made for this training. "I can't stop him. My hand is bound by many dignitaries of Kohinoor. If I let myself soften the boy training. I will be transfer and someone else will continue. "

"Fuck politics! "Ram Mathur cursed.

General Virat agreed wholeheartedly. He stare at red face boy finally doing his last run. "Go ahead and call military doctor. "

"Yes Sir! "Ram Mathur was out of door making General chuckled.


Akshat laid quietly on the cot letting doctor apply medicine on his swollen foot and saline water is already been pierce on his skin through needle.

He felt numb but didn't voice out any complaints. He is ready to take responsibility.

Ram Mathur stood beside the cot watching prince of Malik family with disbelief. How could boy didn't cry?

"You have to weapon drills in an hour. The uniform and weapons is on the table. "Ram Mathur told him.

Akshat give curt nod but the doctor look up in horror.

"Sir! He is not ready! "Doctor interjected.

Akshat  quietly look at the weapons on table where guns and swords laid with military uniform.

"He have to be. There is no other option. "Ram Mathur himself look helplessed but firmly stated.



Akshat was on ground letting himself take long breathe.

"haha! Come on boy we don't have all day. I have to make you understand that taking out one adult man don't give you arrogance. "taunted drill master Karan as he played with wooden sword.

Akshat shakily stood up and turned to take stance again. "Again"

Karan smirk fell off as he growled at the audacity. He stood six feet muscular body running towards the boy.

There was thud, Akshat fell but didnt wasted time standing up again. He is being beaten every single day but he didn't care. He will fight them back.

Ram Mathur watched from afar hating everything. Karan is from Raizada faction.so are many soldiers. He could already see Malik faction soldiers taking fighting stance.

He turned away from the brutality.



General Virat frown at the documents not liking this at all.

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