(IV)the Malik legacy

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Capital Hospital, Kohinoor

Ajay Malik hasty stride towards the end of corner where countless guards are present looking alert around ICU ward.

He froze when he saw the doctor talking with his Dad looking serious.

He have gone to make arrangements for his grandfather funeral but this unexpected news left him shocked.

Ajay stride towards his dad looking panicked but couldn't say a word.He feel so much overwhelmed after everything happen today.

"Dad..What ..Mom?"Ajay curtly asked ,there was stoic expression on his face but his hands are trembling.He can't lose another family tonight.

Omkar Malik put his hand on his son shoulder as he nodded towards doctor.

Doctor gave him explanation"If she wake up from coma then she will survive otherwise we can't anything else."He excuse himself walking back to ICU ward.

Ajay shuddered as he lean against his Dad ,his cold voice have confusion"Why?"

Omkar Malik wanted to break something when he heard the tone of his son,he looks so close to breaking down."We can't save those who don't want to be save,Ajay."

Ajay shook his and went to stand outside ICU ward looking stubbornly at the door.

Omkar Malik wished sometimes his wife can be less prideful.




Akshat Malik gaze at the family portrait which should be taken one or two year ago.

Subhadra Malik looking gorgeous and beautiful wearing white saree and sitting on sofa looking no less then Queen,His Dad in white suit looking tall and intimidating standing behind sofa and lastly his brother sitting on arms of sofa have stoic expression in white suit.

They look happy,Akshat should be happy for them then why he feel sore in his heart.Do I even have a place in this family?he asked this question to himself every time what he lost in all these years being sent to army.

More like thrown away.Akshat thought with bitter smirk.

But he never regretted his actions.

"Kajal Didi, I'll be back later."Akshat shouted to Kajal who was putting plate on dining table.

She saw the boy she raised as her own now man  leaving then glance at the Malik family photo frame .




Three hours before Subhadra Malik suicide.

Subhadra Malik glared at the group of lawyer filing paper works regarding that boy becoming Sultan.

Everything is ruined like always just because of that boy.

Her Ajay,her son,throne is being snatched by that boy.

Subhadra Malik stormed out cabin towards the entrance of hospital for peace because she can't handle one more time hearing about that boy as if he some kind of jar of kindness to become Sultan instead of her own Ajay.

Her hand clutching the gun tightly she specially order to be made for her son Ajay special day.

Her saree fluttering as she stride out of hospital behind her bodyguards are keeping pace with her .

"Leave ,I want to be alone."Subhadra Malik demanded coldly.

The dark night so silent made her want scream .She waited years for this day and like sand everything slip away.

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