(i) Truth

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A colour she wanted far from her own life,it is popularly known for mourning and Anjali always hate it with passion.But it's time after all .

"Mr Jha is in critical condition, twelve hour is all we can decide whether he will live or not."doctors told her , looking at her with pity.

Anjali could almost taste those pity by everyone around her.She stood up supporting herself by the wall ignoring NK hand.She can't lose control over her emotions right now.

The lack of burning gaze made her want to curled herself protectively.Aman Mathur priority is always Chotey.Anjali made sure of it.

No need to feel rage over that.

"I want to see Shyam ji."Anjali requested firmly.

Nani seemed to look at her helplessly but Anjali wouldn't let anyone interfere.

Manorma Mami stood beside in silent support "Come Anjali bitiya ,I will be at door."She took hold of her arm.

Anjali wanted to laughed because she could see only indifference in her Mami eyes.Nothing new.

When they left for Operation theatre few steps away from others.

Mami whisper "What a shame ,another heir to be or-"

Anjali narrowed her eyes at the woman in warning "Enough,do not forget your place."

Manorma Mami left her arms as if burned and step back now looking at Anjali with pure hatred.

Anjali limped past the woman,she walked inside Operation theatre and paused at the unconscious Shyam Manohar Jha.

She close the door behind her.

"I was defending you this morning and here you are lying on verge of death by the hand of girl who is your obsession."Anjali hummed as she let herself chuckle bitterly.

She made her way to the bed and stare at her so-called husband or better to say pawn.

"I never waste my pawns.You were especial one,Shyam ji.But then you are always so jealous of Chotey ,for my little brother to be successful and best was always thorn for you.I saw your bitterness against Chotey and I let you be."Anjali whisper in silence of ward.The loud beeping sound of the weak beating heart of her husband can be heard to her.She stare at the cut on his throat with sadness "Do you know Shyam ji, The first time I saw something more than anger and indifferent in Chotey eyes was when Khushi ji crashed on his arms.Chotey look so alive unlike the puppet everyone made him to be. I wanted Chotey to be alive again in any cost. That night was the change I was waiting for years."

She turned to the machine which is keeping Shyam alive."I let video of Khushi ji release all over Lucknow,I let you indirectly know about Chotey attraction towards Khushi ji then watch you fixing your attention on her.It was so much easier after knowing your motives,Shyam ji.You are so easily made Khushi ji pushed in Chotey life ."she stopped suddenly clenching her fist and glaring at her own pawn on bed "Then you have to ruin everything.Chotey was so much attached to Khushi ji ,but you gone ahead let Chotey know of your fixation on Khushi.And the marriage which was meant to be new leash for Chotey to not leave Raizadas become a curse.Even more dangerous is Khushi ji became.She tried to kill Chotey ."Anjali eyes flashed with coldness"And that's unforgettable.Lavanya Ji called me about it.I think you need to leave Shyam ji because Khushi ji don't deserve Chotey."

Shyam who have been breathing oxygen mask was unaware of danger on himself.

Anjali let out signed "The price of crown is very heavy especially A Malik Crown."

She took scissors tool where other equipment is kept after operation and directly cut the tube of connecting to oxygen mask .

Anjali Singh Raizada let her hand fall on her stomach"This baby can live without a father but now without her Mama."

She kept the scissors on her own after all she needed to put Manorma Mami on her place.



Payal ran as fast as she can after hearing about Khushi being admitted from NK ji.She saw the room no. And didn't hesitate to open the door .

Khushi was lying on the bed looking at her with bruises on her arms and neck.

Payal gasped in disbelief."K-Khushi!"

Khushi stare at her in dead way as if she doesn't care anymore.

Payal reminded of when Khushi came first time to live with Gupta family looking similiar.

"What they did to you?"Payal horrified move towards her sister.

Khushi finally break the silence "I am going to ruin these Raizadas,jiji.I have enough of sacrificing myself.Every single one of them will be destroyed by me."the coldness and calmness in her voice scared Payal.

Payal should stop her but every torcher her little sister gone through because of this family made her stop any thoughts of it.


"You are not meant to be broken but forge in fire to be made your will as steel, Understand this my son."His Mom eyes felt alive with determination staring in his scared gaze.

Arnav was seven years old boy when he was ordered by his own Mom to go to Malik Family,the Royals.

"I can't give you anything my son .All my life I live to burn myself for others and I hated it.But now I am letting you go to them and It will be upto you forge the path of taking a empire or burnt it down."

Those were the last words his Mom said to him and then he was taken by Malik family.

Subhadra Malik ,the head of Malik family took one look at him and declared him a pest which is meant to be controlled by real heir, Anjali Malik.

Arnav was told to become a slave,a protecter and a shadow of Anjali Malik .

But never did he forgot his Mom words.

Standing on the balcony of Doctor Kabir Singh cabin,Arnav let himself take scenes of silent night.

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