(iii) Relationships

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Anjali was humming a beautiful song as she gaze downstairs where media circus is still happening.

The loud shouts for Khushi &Aakash is happening downstairs.

It made Anjali tsk over the level of enthusiasm they made of Khushi name.

The infamy will teach Khushi to keep her paws away from harming her Chotey .

Aakash is just a collateral damage.

But what Anjali is curious about who made this move ?

Who is so desperate more her to destroy Khushi?

Anjali can't have outsiders touching Raizadas.

And Khushi is still part of Raizada until her death.

Behind her the sound someone coming made her scoff.

"NK ,Did postmortem reports of Shyam ji came out?"Anjali ask .

"Turn around before asking these illegal spying, Anjali Jha."The voice of angry Kabir Singh made Anjali eyes widen .

She did turned to watch him looking at her furiously.

"How dare you people made my hospital full of fucking drama!"Kabir snapped.

Anjali signed "Dr Singh ,I apologise but we both know you don't want to hear it."

"No I don't fucking want your fake sorry!I want my peaceful hospital back by this evening before I tired myself and kick you all out ."Kabir yelled .

Anjali narrowed her eyes at the angry man."I don't want to be here,Dr Singh but Chotey and Mathur is not back from wherever you let them leave without discharge papers .My husband is dead or should I say murdered in your subordinate doctor care and basically my sister-in-law Khushi is missing too .Lastly, Lavanya,AR company manager is in critical condition.All this gave me and my family whole right to be present in hospital."

Kabir scoff "Don't pretend Anjali Jha.I know you.All this drama happening because Arnav was pushed down by his own wife.and You have started war over it."he cross his arms staring at her mockingly.

Anjali stiffened then she waved her hand"I don't know how your alcoholic mind come up with ridiculous scenerio."

Kabir snapped "Shut up! You are somehow behind Shyam jha death too.Because his death would make Arnav's wife sentence in jail."

Anjali look at him blankly"Your nonsense talking have improved."

Kabir groaned "Listen Anjali,We both know you will not open your mouth and confess .Nothing new there.But can't you think for one second that Arnav did not want his wife hurted.You being so much overprotective on Arnav is ruining everyone life."

Anjali nonclantly hummed"Chotey shouldn't be hurt,Dr Singh.I don't care about anything else."

Kabir exasperated over her stubbornness signed "Do whatever you want it's not Arnav wouldn't have guessed by now what's happening but out of my hospital by evening, Anjali."and he stopped away.

Anjali clenched her fist thinking about Chotey knowing anything.

The office of Dr.Singh is pristine and clean making the smell of orchids on the window in a beautiful vase keep the temper calm.

Kabir sat the reports on his desk then pushed it towards Manohar Singh Raizada who is sitting across him looking calm.

"The reports are clear.Shyam Jha died because of not getting oxygen.The cut on his throat was critical but if the operating junior doctor was replaced by experience doctor then he was easily been among us and not being corpse."Kabir stated nonclantly.

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