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he opened the door, holding his crotch

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he opened the door, holding his crotch. I laughed at this sight. "Let's see who will be laughing soon"
he closed the door and moved towards me. Without any hesitation, he undid my bra and clung to my breasts.
I moaned quietly, feeling his warm breath on my chest and his tongue making circular movements around my nipples.
"on your knees," he said, panting. I obediently knelt in front of him, undoing the belt of his pants. he was still squeezing my breast at that time. the pants fell to the floor. "you really missed me"
I laughed, looking at his erection. "I'm going to close this dirty mouth" he entered my mouth with his dick. I moaned softly. I looked up and looked him straight in the eyes. my head was moving up and down.
"good fck girl keep going babe" he moaned softly from time to time, grabbing my head to control my movements. "y/n you better move away if you don't want it in your mouth-"

I ignored him, moving faster "fuck y/n!!!!" warm liquid spread down my throat. I pulled away, gasping for air. I showed him clean language.

"god damn y/n you took everything I gave you" he stroked my cheek "you look crazy attractive kneeling in front of me."

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